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terça-feira, 31 de agosto de 2010
Holy Masters Novo Site de Bhajan e Kirtanas
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Obrigada Srimati Radharani Obrigada Krsna , Obrigada Srila Gurudeva lindo site
muitas benções para este devotos tão maravilhosos , eles cantam mesmo por AMOR !
Vancã Kalpa !!!
The Principels of Universal Love
1. Universal Love teaches us that we are not the material body, but immortal souls. Death is a door which we have to go through in our spiritual evolution. The soul does not die. 13. Universal Love does not consider the difference between bodies, races, countries, etc. Radhe Radhe Radhe Jai Jai Sri Radhe Srila Gurudeva Patita Pavana Ki Jai ! |
Por que ele é azul?
Existem muitas razões, mas uma delas é que o azul representa a cor ilimitada do céu, assim como é Krsna, ilimitado em todos os sentidos, ilimitado no amor, beleza, doçura, ternura, sabedoria, conhecimento, etc
Quem é Krsna?
Art by damodara.de
A sílaba KRS significa: “A Suprema Personalidade de Deus que é o refúgio original de toda a existência, e a sílaba NA significa: Aquele que encanta e atrai o coração de todos com sua beleza ilimitada.” Damodara é outro nome de Krsna que significa: “Aquele que pode ser atraído somente pelo amor puro. (veja alguns de seus nomes). Deus possui ilimitados nomes, e Krsna é um de seus nomes, assim como Jehova, Buddha, Rama, Gopala, Govinda e outros.
Deus vem pessoalmente a este mundo em diferentes momentos, formas e lugares quando acha que é necessário, para proteger os indefesos e estabelecer os princípios do amor puro. (Veja os princípios do amor universal). Deus sempre está presente em cada átomo de Sua criação, no coração de cada ser, mas em sua vez Ele se manifesta pessoalmente pelo seu doce desejo para realizar diferentes atividades transcendentais. Segundo os Vedas, e as evidencias históricas, Krsna apareceu 5.000 anos atrás na Índia, no belo povoado de Vrindavana, um povo ainda hoje existe na Índia.
Amor a Deus e à sua criação é a verdadeira formula da paz. Enquanto não tratarmos com amor todas as entidades vivas, humanos, animais e plantas, nunca haverá paz em nosso mundo. A forma particular que você ou outro acredita em Deus, não é tão importante, o importante é o que tem em seu coração, e o coração não requer instruções para amar. Essa é a melhor religião, o AMOR.
Alguns nomes de krsna
Acyuta – Infalível
Bhakta-vatsala – Aquele que é afetuoso aos seus devotos
Damodara – Aquele que foi amarrado ao redor da cintura, Ele, que só pode ser preso pelo amor.
Dinabandhu – O amigo de todos, especialmente dos indefesos e humildes
Ghanasyama – Aquele que é da com negra
Giridhari – O levantador da colina de Govardhana
Girivaradhari – Aquele que levantou Govardhana, a maior de todas as montanhas,
Gopala – Pastorzinho de vaca
Gopati – Aquele que ama as vacas
Gopi-jana-vallabha – Aquele que é muito querido para as gopis
Gopinatha – Ele é o coração das gopis, ou o senhor das gopis,
(Veja mais nomes de Krsna Clicando AQUI)
I offer this Prayer

Om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya Caksur-unmilitam yena tasmai sri-guruve namah
nama om visnu-padaya radhikayah priyatmane sri-srimad-bhaktivedanta narayana iti namine
Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, cuja missão foi dada por seu Siksa Guru Nitya-Lila Pravistta Om Visnupada Paramahansa Parivrajakacarya Astottara Sata Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
Rupanuga Acarya Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja.
nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine
Jaya Srila Gurudeva Jaya Srila Prabhupada Happy Janmastami
Dandavat e Pranamas ...Hare Krsna !!!!Radhe Radhe !!!
Porque Krsna é tão especial??
Sri Sri Gauranga Radha Madana Mohana

por Kesava das Swami
Querido Radha Krsna Prabhu:
¡Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada! Mis más humildes reverencias.
Parece que el Señor Nityananda manifestó su misericordia nuevamente --como ya lo había hecho antes el día de Su aparición a través de Sus Señorías Sri Sri Gauranga Radha Govinda de la Saraswatha Math.
Ahora, sólo para confirmar, en el transcendental día de la aparición del Señor Balarama --en Balaram Purnima-- de nuevo recibimos Su inmaculada gracia con la donación del templo de Sri Sri Gauranga Radha Madana Mohana, una propiedad en el camino a Godruma Dvipa de 25 hectáreas localizada a unos 300 metros antes de llegar a Krishnanagar.
Pueden apreciar en las fotos a los herederos del Trust de Yasodanandana Goswami, fallecido en el año 2000 y quien no dejó discípulos sucesores. Solamente había quedado un pujari que también abandonó el cuerpo hace tres años. Todos ellos son de la línea directa del Señor Nityananda, lo que ratifica aún más Su misericordia.

Ese día la propiedad fue puesta bajo la dirección de nuestro Soul Trust and Charity. En una de las fotos que te anexo están mi hermano Sadhu Prabhu, mi madre Madhavi devi dasi y la familia donadora. Todo bajo la dirección de Sadhu das, que está completamente absorto en estos programas que están incrementando su servicio devocional enormemente.

Al día siguiente --que conmemora la fecha en 1965 cuando Srila Prabhupada partió en su primer viaje hacia Estados Unidos-- recibimos el templo con las Deidades y el Samadhi Mandir de Yasodanandana Goswami. Hubo una fiesta con prasadam para 300 personas, un maravilloso kirtan y la felicidad de estar en medio de Chaturmasya, con tantas austeridades y cantando constantemente el Santo Nombre de Krishna; sabiendo que se ha revelado con Sri Sri Gauranga Radha Madana Mohana, Sambhanda; con Sri Sri Gauranga Radha Govinda, Abhideya y ahora esperamos anhelantemente la manifestación de Sri Sri Gauranga Radha Gopinatha, Prayojana. Esta es la culminación en Prema Bhakti y la meta última de la vida.
Ahora queremos entregarnos a adorar a Sus Señorías con lo poco que nos resta de nuestra insignificante existencia, si Ellas así lo desean y lo permiten. Por lo menos quedamos orando a los Vaishnavas por su misericordia para que podamos satisfacer al Señor Krishna en esta vida.
¡Felicidades en Sri Krsna Janmastami y en el Vyasa Puja de nuestro Fundador-Acarya Srila Prabhupada!
Tu sirviente y amigo
The Appearance Of Lord Krsna
Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja
In the first three chapters of the tenth canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam there is a description of the appearance of Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Krishna's appearance is also described in Hari-vamsa and in Sri Jiva Goswami's Gopala-campu. Hearing the transcendental pastimes of Krishna is all-auspicious. The Bhagavatam describes:
srnvatam sva-kathah krsnahpunya-sravana-kirtanahhrdy antah-stho hy abhadranividhunoti suhrt satam
"Sri Krishna, the Personality of Godhead, Who is the Paramatma in everyone's heart and the benefactor of the truthful devotee, cleanses desire for material enjoyment from the heart of the devotee who has developed the urge to hear his messages, which are in themselves virtuous when properly heard and chanted."
Why Krishna Appears
The Bhagavatam says that hearing the transcendental lila-kahani, narrations of the pastimes of Bhagavan Krishna, is all auspicious. If you hear with faith and concentrated attention, all of the material contamination in your heart will be purified. For this reason Bhagavan Sri Krishna descends here.
Krishna's eternal abode in the spiritual sky is known as sac-cid-anandamaya-dhama, a dhama that is sanmaya, cinmaya, anandamaya - full of eternality, full of knowledge and full of bliss. He is always there engaged, completely absorbed in transcendental lila, especially rasa-lila.
Why should he come to this material world? It is not His abode. It is the antithesis of His transcendental sac-cid-anandamaya-dhama. This material world is asat, acit and nirananda-maya. It is temporary and full of ignorance and misery.
Why should Krishna come here? What business does He have to conduct here? He comes because he is suhrdam sarva bhutanam, the only well-wishing friend of all living entities. From time immemorial you have been under the clutches of maya but Krishna has not forgotten you. He is your well-wishing friend. He always runs behind you. He never deserts you. He is there in your heart as Paramatma. He also descends in many incarnations to this material world along with His dhama and his associates and He manifests transcendental pastimes.
One purpose for his coming is so that his lila-kahani will be recorded in books. Then His dear devotees, the sadhu-vaisnava-mahajanas will come. They will preach, recite and speak these pastimes. Krishna's pastimes should be heard, deliberated and meditated upon. Thereby you will get peace and bliss. Your heart will be cleansed and then you will be able to understand your constitutional position is as His eternal servant. Krishna therefore descends here out of kridartha, for the purpose of enjoying playful pastimes with His dear devotees to relish his lila-rasa, the mellow of transcendental lila. Simultaneously He also gives you an opportunity to relish these pastimes. Moreover, He also comes here for sadhu-samraksana, to protect His dear devotees. These are the purposes of Krishna's coming to this material world.
Sri Nanada Maharaja's Vow
Gopala-campu describes that in the assembly of Nanda Maharaja there were two poets named Snigdha Katha and Madhu Kantha who daily sings songs. One day they started singing the story of how Nandaraja got a son. With the aim of obtaining a son, Nandaraja performed many sacrifices but still no son was born. The residents of Vrajabhumi, who were all his friends also took up a vow and offered worship so that Nanda Maharaja could have a son. Still no son was coming. Yasodamati, the wife of Nanda Maharaja, became very distressed. She gave up eating and was always sitting, hanging her head down and shedding tears.
Seeing the condition of his wife, Nanda Maharaja became very distressed and consoled her in various ways saying, "Whatever is the will of Providence, that will take place." Yasodamata said, "My dear husband, I will tell what I have thought of in my heart. I have performed many sacrifices and have taken up many vows, but I have not performed the dvadasi-parama-vrata."
Hearing this, Nanda Maharaja became very happy and said, "Yes, very good. We have not performed this vrata, so we must do it."
Nanda Maharaja called his priest. The priest described everything to him about the procedures, rules and regulations to perform this dvadasi-vrata.
The Yogini's Visit
Nanda Maharaja and Yasomati-rani observed the vrata for one year. At the end of the vrata Nanda Maharaja had a dream. Lord Hari appeared and being very pleased with him said, "Your desire will soon be fulfilled. In every kalpa I come as your son and in this kalpa I will also come as your son. I will manifest My babyhood lila in your home. Every day you will see My pastimes and you will be very happy."
Then Nanda Maharaja's sleep broke. It was morning and birds were chirping. He decided to take bath in the Yamuna along with Yasomati and he took much wealth with him to give in charity. All of the demigods, munis and rsis came in the guise of beggers to receive charity from Nanda Maharaja. Nanda Maharaja and Yasomati completed their bath and then started giving charity. Everyone become very pleased to receive charity from Nanda Maharaja. They all shouted, "Nanda Maharaja ki jaya!" and "Yasomati-rani ki jaya!"
Then Nanda Maharaja returned home and offered worship to Bhagavan Vishnu. After finishing his daily activities he came to his assembly and offered respect to worshipable personalities such as his gurus and the brahmanas.
Snigdha Kantha's narration continued: Just then the gatekeeper came and informed Nanda Maharaja that a brahmacarini had come. Hearing this he stood up and welcomed her, offering her a nice seat. Nanda Maharaja washed her feet and worshiped her. Yasodamata began to cry. She cried at the feet of that brahmacarini-tapasvi. She took Yasodamata onto her lap and putting her hand on Yasoda's head, blessing her, saying, "My dear queen, very soon a nice son will come and take birth." Hearing this, all of the cowherd men and women said, "Nandarani ki jaya!"
When Nanda Maharaja's brother Upananda heard the news he became very joyful and said, "This Gokul forest will be a great place of pilgrimage." Hearing the brahmacarini's prophecy, all of the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi became very joyful. They all came and offered dandavat-pranamas at the feet of that yogini, brahmacarini. They built a cottage for her and she stayed there.
Srimati Yasodamata
Snigdha Katha said, "My dear brother Madhu Katha, now tell how Krishna came to the womb of Yasodamata." Madhu Katha then spoke about this confidential truth:
For one year Nanda and Yasoda observed dvadasi-vrata. Then on the night of the Krsna-pratipat, the first day of the dark fortnight of the month of Magha, Nanda Maharaja had a dream. He saw a baby child with blue complexion moving in the sky and then he saw a girl with a golden hued bodily complexion. The two of them entered into Nanda Maharaja's heart. Then they came out of the heart of Nanda Maharaja and entered into the womb of Yasodamata.
In this way, Yasodamata carried the Supreme Lord Krishna. Hearing this news, all of the gopas and gopis became very blissful and happy. Everyday they had grand festivals on account of Yasodamata was now going to have a son.
Nanda Maharaja gave much charity to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas. Many persons were coming and going to Nanda Maharaja's house. Who all these persons were, no one could say. Among them some demigoddesses were also coming.
After eight months of pregnancy an astrologer told them, "On the eighth day of the dark fortnight of this month of Bhadra the child will take birth on a most auspicious tithi. When this bhadra-krsnastami, the eighth day of the dark fortnight of the month of Bhadra came, the nurse said, "The child will be born today," Immediately a maternity home was prepared and decorated nicely. Flower garlands were hung all over. Gates were also made out of various flowers. Nurses came to take care of the mother and the child. In the heavenly planets all of the demigods became joyful. Indradeva was showering rain. On that day everyone was drowning in an ocean of happiness, for the Supreme Lord was about to take birth.
All the gopis stayed awake that night. But due to the influence of Krishna's yoga-maya they all fell asleep. When the child took birth everyone was sleeping, even Yasodamata was asleep. There was no pain in the delivery at all. Without any pain, Yasodamata gave birth to Krishna, the Supreme Personality. That child was putra-ratna, a son like an invaluable gem.
Mathura and Vrindavan
Exactly at the same time when Yasodamata gave birth to Krishna in Vrndavan, in Mathura, in the prison house of Kamsa, Devaki also gave birth to a child. That is described in the tenth canto of the Bhagavatam. Lord Hari appeared in Mathura in a four handed form. He had a crown on His head and with four hands He was holding a sankha, cakra, gada and padma - a conchshell, disk, club and lotus. Kanaka-kundala-karna, on His two ears there were golden earrings and bright effulgence was coming out of His body. Although it was dark and cloudy night, by the effulgence coming from the body of Lord Hari everything was illuminated.
Seeing this wonderful child, Devaki paid obeisances with folded hands and offered prayers. Vasudeva immediately took bath. How could he take bath in the prison house? He did so by meditation within his mind, manasa-snana. Also in his mind he observed a grand festival for the birthday of Lord Hari and gave away innumerable cows in charity to the brahmanas and Vaisnavas. Like Devaki, he also offered prayers to Lord Narayana. Then Narayana told him, "Immediately take Me to Vraja-Gokul and put Me on the lap of Yasodamata."
Hearing this, Vasudeva was very, very happy. By the wonderful will of Lord Hari, those who were guarding the prison all fell asleep. All of the strong iron doors and shackles opened and Vasudeva was free to leave. Exactly at the same time when Vasudeva was leaving the prison of Kamsa, Yasodamata gave birth to a second child, a daughter.
When Vasudeva came to the bank of the Yamuna he saw there was a great flood. The water was very high and all of the land was inundated. He thought, "How can I cross?" Just then Vasudeva saw Mahamaya in the form of a she-jackal crossing the Yamuna. So Vasudeva followed her.
Finally he came to the quarters of Nanda Maharaja. There he put his son on the lap of Yasodamata and took Yasoda's daughter with him.
Appeared in Two Places
Hearing this, Snigdha Katha said, "What is this? Yasodamata gave birth to one son and one daughter and Vasudeva took the daughter. What happened to the son? Madhu Katha said, "This is a very confidential matter. Yasodamata's daughter was saksat-yogamaya. By her potency Yogamaya kept the son of Nanda hidden and Vasudeva could not see Him. He only saw the daughter."
The son of Nanda and Yasoda is svayam Bhagavan, the original Supreme Personality of Godhead - ete camas-kalah pumsah krsnas tu bhagavan svayam. Nanda-nandana Krsna, Yasoda-nandana Krsna is svayam Bhagavan and all avataras are His plenary portions or portions of His plenary portions - amsa and kala.
From the womb of Devaki came the four-handed form Vasudev, who is a prabhava-prakasa of Krishna. Krishna has two types of expansions, prabhava-prakasa and vaibhava-prakasa. In the temporary category of prabhava come the incarnations Mohini, Hamsa and Sukla. In the eternal category comes Dhanvantari, Rishabha, Vyasa, Dattatreya, Kapila, etc. The vaibhava-prakasa are partially powerful. In this category comes Kurma, Matsya, Nara Narayan Rishi, Varaha, Hayagriva, Prishnigarbha, Baladeva, Yajna, Vibhu, Satyasena, Hari, Vaikuntha, Ajita, Vaman, Sarvabhauma, Rishabha, Vishwaksena, Dharmasetu, Sudama, Yogeswar, Brihadbhanu, etc.
When svyam Bhagavan Krishna comes, all of His portions and portions of portions, amsa and kala, all come within Him. The son of Vasudeva is Vasudev, a four-handed form of the Lord. Vasudev is a plenary portion of Krishna. So when Vasudeva put his son on the lap of Yasoda, that Vasudev entered into the child Krishna who was already lying there. Just as all the rivers flow down to enter into the ocean, similarly all the plenary portions and portions of the plenary portions of the Lord all come and enter into the original Lord. By the activity of yoga-maya, Vasudeva could not understand any of these things.
In the Hari-vamsa (2.4.11) it is described how Lord Hari simultaneously took birth in two places:
garbha kale tv asampurne astame masi te striyau devaki ca yasoda ca susubate samam tada
"In the eighth month of pregnancy, which is considered asampurna, incomplete, Yasoda and Devaki both gave birth at the same time."
Just after that, Yasoda gave birth to a daughter, Yogamaya. Mahamaya is a portion of Yogamaya and she was thus also there. Vasudeva took away this Mahamaya and handed her over to Kamsa, while Yogamaya stayed, hidden in Vrajabhumi. In this way it was declared that the eighth child was a daughter, not a son. Kamsa was cheated.
Mother Yasoda's Joy
Madhu Katha then said, "When Yasodamata gave birth to Krishna, all were asleep. Everyone slept through the whole night. Then in the morning Lord Hari started crying, "Kwaa! Kwaa! Kwaa!" Everyone woke up. Yasodamati also woke and saw her nice son.
Seeing her wonderful, very beautiful son, Mother Yasoda completely drowned in the ocean of blissfulness. She couldn't think what to do. She was shedding tears of bliss and love. From her breast, milk was flowing. The new-born child was there in her lap and Yasoda was very blissfully looking at Him.
Yasodamata's voice was faltering in joy. She could not speak anything and was simply shedding tears of love. Up until that day she had only looked at the sons of others. Today she was looking at her own son. Tears poured from her eyes and milk flowed from her breasts. Her whole sari became completely soaked. Again and again Yasodamata looked at the beautiful lotus-like, moon-like face of her son. All the nurses, gopas and gopis awoke hearing the crying sound of the newborn child. Everyone came and said, "Oh, it is not a daughter, it is a son! Yasoda has given birth to a son!"
Everyone was very happy and blissful. It was as if all of Gokul, Vrajabhumi had drowned in an ocean of blissfulness. All the gopas and gopis came running to Nanda Maharaja's quarters to see Yasoda's newly born son. The demigods were dancing in the heavenly planets, beating drums and singing, "Hari Hari! Haribol! Haribol! Haribol! Haribol!" The fourteen planetary systems resounded with the sound of "Haribol!"
In the heavenly planets the deva-naris, the wives of the demigods, were showering flowers. All of the gopas and gopis were dancing blissfully. Embracing one another with love and affection, they were all drowning in an ocean of happiness.
Immediately Nanda Maharaja took bath according to Vedic rites. Then he performed the jata-karma-samskara - purificatory ceremony for childbirth. Brahmanas came and uttered svasti-vacana, prayers for auspiciousness.
Many musicians came playing varieties of musical instruments. The sound of drums, kettledrums and other musical instruments resounded throughout all of the three planetary systems.
The three planetary systems were completely filled with supreme happiness, maha-ananda. Prithivi-devi, Mother Earth had been very, very distressed and over-burdened by the asuras, demons. Now the demons were to be killed and Prithivi-devi would be relieved of her heavy burden. All of the sadhus, Vaisnavas and dvijas, brahmanas were happy.
Sri Nanda Maharaja's Good Fortune
When Nanda Maharaja came, all the gopas and gopis said, "Nanda come, come and see your beautiful son. Taba grhe udaya haiyache kata sasi - It is as if innumerable moons have arisen in your house. O Nanda Maharaja, eteka dibase janma haila saphala, manera anande dekha badana kamala - you have achieved perfection in this birth after a long time. Many long years have gone past. Come and see the beautiful lotus-like face of your son."
The news spread throughout Gokul, Vrajabhumi. All of the cowherd men and cowherd women came running to Nanda's quarters - nandera mandire gayala aila dhaiya, hate badi kandhe bhara - all the cowherd men had sticks in their hands and on their shoulders they were carrying kandhe bhara, a stick with bags on both ends. As they were coming they were dancing and dancing.
Everyone was saying: "Oh Nanda, such excellent good fortune you have. Ah! Today there is an ocean of bliss in your house."
Seeing the beautiful lotus-like face of his son, Nanda Maharaja was blissfully dancing. In all directions all of the cowherd men and inhabitants of Gokul were also clapping their hands and blissfully dancing. In the heavenly planets the demigods were dancing. In the nether planet, Patala, the snakes were dancing. In the inner quarters, Yasodarani was dancing. Siva was dancing, Brahma was dancing and Indra was dancing. Everyone was dancing and full of bliss.
All of the cowherd men came bringing presentations of yogurt, tumeric and gorocana, a kind of auspicious yellow pigment. Nandarani, the wife of Nanda Maharaja has acquired all good fortune and auspiciousness for today she has obtained Nilamani the blue gem Krishna as her child.
Sri Krsna Janmastami tithi maha-mahotsava ki jaya!
Bhadra Krsnastami tithi ki jaya!
Bhagavan Krsna avirbhava tithi ki jaya!
Vrajendra-nandana Krsna avirbhava tithi ki jaya!
Sri Nanda-nandana Yasoda-nanandana Krsna ki jaya!
[A lecture by His Divine Grace Srila Gour Govinda Swami, given on August 18, 1995 in Bhubaneswar, India.For more nectarean Krsna Katha, Please visit www.srilagourgovindaswami.org], this lecture is also in the book Mathura visits Vrindavan
Songs of Our Holy Masters 2"
Sri Janmastami Ki Jay!
Presente de Natal Vedico !Hare Krsna !!!OUR NEW CD!!!!!!!! Released ! Listen and download now
We are happyto announce the release of our new CD "I offer this Prayer- Songs of
Our Holy Masters 2" It was offered to Srila Gurudev during this past
Badger Festival June 2010.
These songs are in English- direct translations of the songs and prayers of our previous Acaryas. They are
unique in that they are not only direct translations, but have the same
syllables and meter as the original bengali, sanskrti and Hindi which
makes it possible to sing them side by side with the originals.
Ever since we began singing these songs in our home programs, Devotees have
been requesting us to make CDs to help them learn these songs, and
understand the prayers of the Vaisnavas in a more familiarized and
relatable form.
we had been singing. Although it is a lovely CD, and was well received,
we felt it was rushed (done in a week more or less) and we were
inexperienced with recording.
Since then, our mother published the book "Songs of our Holy Masters- In English". This book has caused a
new flood of requests for more CDs so that devotees around the world
can learn the English songs easily and quickly.
It is our strong desire to produce beautiful Krishna conscious recordings that inspire
devotees to sing the prayers handed down to us by our spiritual
preceptors. With the amount of songs ideas, and tunes that we have, we
decided to invest in building our own simple recording studio complete
with a sound booth. Our most recent CD is the result of this. We hope to
continue this service gifted to us by the grace of our acharyas, and
spread their teachings in a way that is ever fresh, uplifting, and fun!
If you like the album help us share it with the world! All Purchases and
donations will help further Our services!
-Gaurasundar das, Candrakanta dasi
(Ask Premanandi Didi and the organizers for more details)
O Mantra Pranama de Srimati Radhika
Sri Radha pranama
tapta-kancana-gaurangi! radhe! vrndavanesvari!
vrsabhanu-sute! devi! pranamami hari-priye!
Ó Gaurangi, cuja tez é como ouro derretido! Ó Radhe! Rainha de Vrndavana! Ó filha de Vrsabhanu Maharaja! Ó Devi! Ó mais querida de Hari! Pranamaa Você repetidas vezes!
Jaya Srila Gurudeva !
Krishna O amado de Srimati Radhika!
Sri Krsna pranama
he krsna! karuna-sindho! dina-bandho! jagat-pate!
gopesa! gopika-kanta! radha-kanta! namo ’stu te
Ofereço ilimitados pranama a Você, ó Krsna! Você é um oceano de misericórdia, amigo dos caídos, Senhor da criação e da comunidade de pastores de vacas! Você é Gopi-Kanta, o amado das gopis e acima de tudo Você é Radha Kanta, o amado de Srimati Radhika!
Introduction to Living VEDA by Swami BV Ashram
Visit http://www.livingveda.org for our events listing.
segunda-feira, 30 de agosto de 2010
Presente Divino
Sri Vyasa Puja 2010 com legenda no portugues ..
seva by :
Jayadeva Das
http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/jaydev.das?ref=tsobrigada prabhu ji ... muito muito e muito obrigada , estamos esperando os demais videos , por favor deem nos sua misericordia deste seva tão rico ...
radhe radhe !!!!
Dandavat e pranamas a todos os devotos Feliz Janmastami !
Ensinamentos de Srila Gurupapadma de Srila Gurudeva!
Mukundananda Das,
17º Ensinamento do Upadesavali de Nitya Lila Om Visnupada Paramahansa Parivajakacarya 108 Bhaktiparjana Kesava Goswami Maharaja, Gurupadapadma de Srila Gurudeva, Narayana Maharaj!
"É o mais importante dever adorar o Diksa Guru, o guru que nos deu o mantra ou iniciação Diksa, em primeiro lugar, Quando analisamos profundamente, podemos ver que o Guru que nos deu O diksha mantra é sem duvida o mais proeminente. Sómente aqueles que nos dão a instrução de servirmos o Diksa Guru são verdadeiros Siksha Gurus. Aqueles que são aversos a nos dar a instrução a respeito de servir o Diksa Guru nunca podem ser chamados de siksha gurus. Em verdade eles não são nem Vaisnavas, por abandonarem a responsabilidade de instruir aos demais a oferecer o devido respeito ao Diksa -guru."
Tradução do Upadesavali de Bhaktiprajna kesava Goswami maharaj, retirado da Biografia escrita sobre ele por Srila Narayana Maharaja entitulada,
Acarya Kesari Sri Srimad Bhaktiprajna Kesava Goswami
Sua Vida e Ensinamentos.
Segue aqui uma humilde pedido deste inutil e pretenso servo de Srila Gurudeva,: Vamos unir forças e recursos para traduzir para o portugues e publicar todas as Joias que são os livros escritos por nosso amado Srila Gurudeva , nosso Diksa Guru!
Queridos devotos e amigos do blog , bem vindo estou feliz de estar postando , tem muito seva para postar a cada dia um site novo os devotos estão num humor muito bom para o seva ,
eu estou feliz de saber destas coisas , e penso que meu gurudeva tambem esta muito feliz
a missão do Senhor Caitanya em todas as sampradayas e escola devocionais esta crescendo muito , cada dia chega alguem motivado com humor de Krsna prema , amor puro doce e isto e muito muito lindo de se ver , eu assisti estes videos do Fernando um devoto que foi conhecer a Comunidade Alternativa Hare Krsna do Brasil Nova Gokula , Comunidade de Srila Prabhupada da missão Sri Krishna Caitanya Mahaprabhu , administrada pelos discipulos de Srila Prabhupada
uma comunidade linda onde se situa o templo mais lindo do Brasil de Sri Radha Gokula Nanda
Então o Fernando esteve la e fez muitos videos , focando o que faltava mostrar , ainda na internet não tinha videos assim mostrando mesmo a Comunidade e ele com amor doce e simpliscidade sem nada entender ao certo , esta inocencia de criança a pura doçura de Krishna
eu estava a analisar cada coisa que ele cita e a forma a pronuncia o jeito , então eu vi que ele fez tudo em Krsna prema , nas gravações ele se encontra logo na chegada com uma senhora que e pioneira nesta comunidade a minha vozinha Padmavathi , mãe da Sri Rasa da pousada Vrinda Devi então ele foi tão cordial efim , numa das cenas ele ve um devotos , meu irmão e o trata de irmão tbm e diz que não vai incomoda lo devido ao fato dele estar cantando sua japa , a cena e enfrente a casa deste devoto prabhu ji Parique , efim eu gostei muito detes videos e gostei muito deste humor , e eu desejo que Krsna traga pra comunidade muitas almas assim que sabe olhar o devoto com este amor , estes devotos são tão especiais , eu sei de sua vida , e sei de lutas , e seu do sadhana deles rico , do amor deles e fé por Sri Radha e Krishna , eu estou feliz de ver este tratamento aos meus irmãos e queria muito que eles fossem tratados assim por todos de la com amor e aceitação do nosso guru , a aceitação do desejo de Sri Krsna todos fomos irmão em Krsna e isto ,,,,
Hare krsna !
que ele seja bem vindo a consciencia de Sri Krsna haribol ...
muito obrigada fernando , que acho ter ganhado o apelido de Hanuman
este apelido esta muito bem aplicado a tua energia e natureza vc tem uma missão ai ,vai em frente não nos deixe sem sua associação , vc ja chegou ensinando por exemplo e dando amor puro , muito lindo é a sua missão neste caminho de Krsna , Ele mesmo quem te trouxe a Nova Gokula, trabalhe ajude os devotos , esta e a sua missão mesmo ... Hanumanji ki Jaya !!!
para ver todos os videos por favor entrem neste link ..
Om Sri Hanumate Namah !!!
Viva O Espirito da Espiritualidade:
O Senhor Hanumanji !
Jai Ram Jai Ram Jai jai Ram !!!!
Que todos estejamos protegidos e unidos. Nutridos e unidos. Que possamos juntos adquirir a capacidade de estudar e entender as escrituras...
36 hs de Kirtana Festival Nacional Hari Nama Sankirtana 2010
Local :Nova Gokula
Data : 4 a 7 de Setembro
Horario : O dia todo
Site : http://www.novagokula.com.br
Hari Nama Sankirtana Ki Jaya
Todos os devotos do Brasil e do Mundo estão convidados ...inclusive os devotos discipulos de Srila Gurudeva e de outras sampradayas , todos devem comparecer ,levar preparações , frutas e flores , levar mudas de plantas efim será um mega festival , levar as parafernalias para o bhajan kartalas , o que tiver , não deixe de comparecer .
domingo, 29 de agosto de 2010
Sri Vyasa Puja de Srila Prabhupada 2010
Srila Prabhupada Aparecimento Ki Jay! !!!
Srila Prabhupada Exposição de Fotos
O Festival de Aparecimento Transcendental de Srila Prabhupada será no dia 2 de setembro de 2010 .
Programa espiritual em todos os templos do mundo .
Jaya Srila Prabhupada !!!Jaya Srila Gurudeva !!!

Om ajnana timirandhasya jnananjana salakaya Caksur-unmilitam yena tasmai sri-guruve namah
nama om visnu-padaya radhikayah priyatmane sri-srimad-bhaktivedanta narayana iti namine
Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, cuja missão foi dada por seu Siksa Guru Nitya-Lila Pravistta Om Visnupada Paramahansa Parivrajakacarya Astottara Sata Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
nama om visnu-padaya krsna-presthaya bhutale
srimate bhaktivedanta-swamin iti namine
namaste sarasvate deve gaura-vani-pracarine

Radhe a Rainha de Vrindavana

tapta-kancana-gaurangi radhe vrndavanesvari
vrsabhanu-sute devi pranamami hari-priye
I offer my respects to Radharani whose bodily complexion is like molten gold and who is the Queen of Vrndavana. You are the daughter of King Vrsabhanu, and You are very dear to Lord Krsna.
Eu ofereço os meus respeitos para Radharani cuja compleição física é como o ouro fundido e que é a Rainha de Vrindavana. Você é a filha do Rei Vrsabhanu, e você é muito querida ao Senhor Krishna.

Jaya Srila Gurudeva !!!
Maharani Ki Jai Radharani Ki Jay !
Srimati Radharani Ki Jaya !!!
Some artwork courtesy of The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust International,Inc.
Some artwork by Vrindavan das http://www.vrindavanart.com
Radheeee !!!!!!!
Radhika Stava -- Glory of Srimati Radharani
todas as misericordias aos devotos de Krsna ...haribol ....radheee jaya jaya madhava dayite radheeee ....
rādhe jaya jaya mādhava-dayitegokula-taruṇī-maṇḍala-mahite
(2)vṛṣabhānūdadhi-nava-śaśi-lekhelalitā-sakhi guṇa-ramita-viśākhe
(3)karuṇāḿ kuru mayi karuṇā-bharitesanaka-sanātana-varṇita-carite
O Radha! O beloved of Madhava! O You who are worshiped by all the young girls of Gokula! All glories unto You! All glories unto You!
(1-3) You who dress Yourself in such a way as to increase Lord Damodara's love and attachment for You! O queen of Vrndavana, which is the pleasure grove of Lord Hari! O new moon that has arisen from the ocean of King Vrsabhanu! O friend of Lalita! O You who make Visakha loyal to You due to Your wonderful qualities of friendliness, kindness, and faithfulness to Krsna! O You who are filled with compassion! O You whose divine characteristics are described by the great sages Sanaka and Sanatana! O Radha, please be merciful to me!
Radheee ...Hare Krsna !!!!Jaya Sri Janmastami !!!! Feliz Natal !!!SRILA GURUDEVA Ki Jaya !!!!
sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010
Sri Krishna Janmastami Festival

Jaya Srila Gurudeva !!!!Hare Krishna , Vancã Kalpa Feliz Sri Janmastami 2010 ...Haribol . Radhe ... Jaya Srila Prabhupada ....
Gouranga !!!!Sri Krsna Damodara Ki Jaya !!!!
sexta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2010
Desintoxicação Natural - Ayurveda

- A terapia do suor faz parte da terapia ayurvédica de Pancha Karma, que ajuda na purificação dos corpos sutil e físico.
Nesse processo as terapias que tratam do suor podem ajudar como sauna, banhos turcos e de ervas. è muito importante citar:
Em sânscrito swid pode ser traduzido como suar, fomentar ou amolecer.
O método de Swedana por atividades físicas gera ótimos resultados. Portanto, a atividade física desintoxica o organismo! Desde que orientada por um profissional adequado que irá prescrever a atividade correta.
- Chorar é outro modo para que a mente se purifique das emoções negativas.
Jornal Hare Krsna Brasil é licenciado Licença Creative Commons
Ao copiar qualquer artigo por gentileza mencionar o link o credito do autor .