Radhe Radhe Jaya Srila Gurudeva!
haribol, bem vindos , por favor adicionar
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terça-feira, 31 de janeiro de 2012
Calendario Vaisnava
Haribol!Nitai Gouranga !
31/01/12 - terça-feira
Gaura-astami. Desaparecimento de Sripad Virendra Krishna Prabhu.
01/02/12 - quarta-feira
Gaura-navami. Desaparecimento de Sripad Madhvacharya.
02/02/12 - quinta-feira
Gaura-dasami. Desaparecimento de Srila Ramanujacharya.
03/02/12 - sexta-feira
Gaura-ekadasi. Jejum de Bhaimi Ekadashi.
04/02/12 - sábado
Gaura-dwadashi. Varaha dwadashi. Paran entre 9:12 e 10:01.
05/02/12 - domingo
Gaura-trayodashi. Aparecimento de Sri Nityananda Prabhu. Jejum até o meio-dia. Festival em Sri Chaitanya Sarasvata Krishnanushilana Sangja, Ekachakra Dhama.
06/02/12 - segunda-feira
Gaura-chaturdashi. Paran às 10:00 para os que jejuaram no dia anterior.
07/02/12 - terça-feira
Purnima. Aparecimento de Srila Narottama Dasa Thakur. Madhurotsava de Sri Krishna.
31/01/12 - terça-feira
Gaura-astami. Desaparecimento de Sripad Virendra Krishna Prabhu.
01/02/12 - quarta-feira
Gaura-navami. Desaparecimento de Sripad Madhvacharya.
02/02/12 - quinta-feira
Gaura-dasami. Desaparecimento de Srila Ramanujacharya.
03/02/12 - sexta-feira
Gaura-ekadasi. Jejum de Bhaimi Ekadashi.
04/02/12 - sábado
Gaura-dwadashi. Varaha dwadashi. Paran entre 9:12 e 10:01.
05/02/12 - domingo
Gaura-trayodashi. Aparecimento de Sri Nityananda Prabhu. Jejum até o meio-dia. Festival em Sri Chaitanya Sarasvata Krishnanushilana Sangja, Ekachakra Dhama.
06/02/12 - segunda-feira
Gaura-chaturdashi. Paran às 10:00 para os que jejuaram no dia anterior.
07/02/12 - terça-feira
Purnima. Aparecimento de Srila Narottama Dasa Thakur. Madhurotsava de Sri Krishna.
Bv Suddhadvaiti Maharaja a Guadalajara in Sri Nityananda Trayodasi Festival 2012
Nitai Nitai Nitai Gouranga !!! Bv Suddhadvaiti Maharaja Ki Jay!!!Jaya Srila Gurudeva !
4ta Visita a Guadalajara de Bv Suddhadvaiti Maharaja a GuadalajaraBv Suddhadvaiti Swami
Radharani Govindaji
Aparecimento de Nityananda Prabhu
je chayaya jagat judaya
heno nitai vine bhai, radha-krsna paite nai,
drdha kori dhoro nitayera paya
“Os pés de lótus de Nitai são mais refrescantes que o brilho de milhares de luas. A sombra deles dão conforto ao universo. Ó irmão, sem uma personalidade como Nitai, não é possível alcançar Radha e Krsna. Então, segure fortemente os pés de lótus dEle.”
“Todas as glórias, todas as glórias ao Senhor Nityananda, através da misericórdia dEle eu alcancei o abrio na morada transcendental de Vrndavana!
Todas as glórias, todas as glórias ao misericordioso Senhor Nityananda, através da misericordia dEle eu alcancei abrigo os pés de lótus de Sri Rupa e Sri Sanatana!
Através da misericórdia dEle eu alcancei abrigo sob a grande personalidade Sri Raghunatha dasa Goswami, cuja misericórdia fez com que eu encontrasse abrigo sob Sri Svarupa Damodara.
Pela misericórdia de Sanatana Goswami eu aprendi as conclusões finais do serviço devocional, e pela graça de Sri Rupa Goswami eu saboriei o néctar mais elevado do serviço devocional.
Todas as glórias, todas as glórias aos pés de lótus do Senhor Nityananda, cuja misericórdia fez com que eu alcançasse Sri Radha-Govinda!
Eu sou mais pecaminoso que Jagai e Madai e mais inferior que os vermes no esterco.Qualquer um que ouça meu nome perde automaticamente o resultado de suas atividades piedosas. Qualquer um que diga meu nome se torna pecaminoso.
Quem nesse mundo além de Nityananda poderia derramar Sua misericórdia em tal pessoa abominável como eu.
Porque Ele está intoxicado com o amor divino e por ser a corporificação da misericórdia, Ele não diferencia o que é bom e o que é ruim.
Ele libera todos os que caem na frente dEle. Por isso Ele liberou uma pessoa tão pecaminosa e caída quanto eu.
A misericórdia do Senhor Nityananda me mostrou Sri Madana-mohana e deu Ele a mim como meu Senhor e mestre.
Ele concedeu a alguém inferior como eu a visão do Senhor Govinda. Palavras não podem descrever isso, nem isso pode ser revelado.
A poeira e a sombra dos pés de lótus dos Vaisnavas foram concedidos a essa alma caída pela misericórdia do Senhor Nityananda.
Eu alcancei tudo isso por ter vindo a Vrndavana, e isso foi possível pela misericórdia do Senhor Nityananda.” (Sri Krsnadas Kaviraja Goswami)
segunda-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2012
Sri Chaitanya Shikshamritam
Thakur Bhaktivinode
Todas as Glórias a Sri Guru e Sri Gauranga!
Chaitanya Shikshamritam
(em duas partes)
Srila Sachidananda Bhakti Vinode Thakur
(Pioneiro do Culto de Bhakti do Século 19)
em Bengali
Prabhupad Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Goswami
(Fundador da Sri Chaitanya Math e suas filiais Sri Gaudiya Maths)
Tem seu mais querido discípulo
Srila Bhakti Vilas Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
(Presidente-Acharya anterior)
Que pediu a publicação deste livro em Inglês
Sri Bijoy Krishna Rarhi, M. A.
Sri Gaudiya Math - Madras - 1983
Edição em Inglês
Sri Nityananda Brahmacari, Gitikovid
Sri Gaudiya Math - Madras - 1983
Tradução e Edição em Português
Visvavandya Dasa
São Paulo - (início da tradução: maio de 1990)
(505 - Era de Sri Chaitanya)
Fim da tradução quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2001
(516 - Era de Sri Chaitanya)
São Paulo - SP - Brasil
Visvavandya Dasa
São Paulo - (início da tradução: maio de 1990)
(505 - Era de Sri Chaitanya)
Fim da tradução quinta-feira, 25 de outubro de 2001
(516 - Era de Sri Chaitanya)
São Paulo - SP - Brasil
- Introdução Geral de Paramartha-Dharma
- Sistema de Ensinamentos do Senhor Chaitanya
- O Senhor Krishna, Suas Potências e Sentimentos Saboreáveis
- Jivas Individuais - Caídos e Liberados
- Doutrina da Distinção e Não-Distinção
- Estabelecimento dos Meios a serem praticados
- Objeto de Alcance Final
- Deliberação sobre Injunções Subordinadas - Suas Divisões
- Atos Virtuosos
- Competência de Karma e Distinção de Casta
- Descrição dos Ashramas (estágios de vida)
- Culto Cotidiano
- Sinal de Vaidhi Bhakti
- Códigos da Cultura de Bhakti
- Determinação dos Males
- Decisão sobre Relações Mútuas entre Injunções Diretas e Indiretas
- Discriminação na Decisão sobre Prema-Bhakti
- Sobre o Nascimento do Prema
- Decisão sobre Nama-Bhajan conforme o grau de elegibilidade do Prema
- Processo de Nama-Bhajan
- Objetivo de Pessoas no Estágio Ascendente de Prema
- Decisão Preliminar sobre Rasa
- Deliberação sobre Rasa como o Espírito de Adoração
- Discussão sobre Shanta Rasa
- Julgamento de Priti-Bhakti Rasa
- Prema Bhakti Rasa - Sakhya Rasa
- Vatsala Bhakti Rasa
- Madhura Bhakti Rasa
- Introdução Geral de Paramartha-Dharma
- Sistema de Ensinamentos do Senhor Chaitanya
- O Senhor Krishna, Suas Potências e Sentimentos Saboreáveis
- Jivas Individuais - Caídos e Liberados
- Doutrina da Distinção e Não-Distinção
- Estabelecimento dos Meios a serem praticados
- Objeto de Alcance Final
- Deliberação sobre Injunções Subordinadas - Suas Divisões
- Atos Virtuosos
- Competência de Karma e Distinção de Casta
- Descrição dos Ashramas (estágios de vida)
- Culto Cotidiano
- Sinal de Vaidhi Bhakti
- Códigos da Cultura de Bhakti
- Determinação dos Males
- Decisão sobre Relações Mútuas entre Injunções Diretas e Indiretas
- Discriminação na Decisão sobre Prema-Bhakti
- Sobre o Nascimento do Prema
- Decisão sobre Nama-Bhajan conforme o grau de elegibilidade do Prema
- Processo de Nama-Bhajan
- Objetivo de Pessoas no Estágio Ascendente de Prema
- Decisão Preliminar sobre Rasa
- Deliberação sobre Rasa como o Espírito de Adoração
- Discussão sobre Shanta Rasa
- Julgamento de Priti-Bhakti Rasa
- Prema Bhakti Rasa - Sakhya Rasa
- Vatsala Bhakti Rasa
- Madhura Bhakti Rasa
O Senhor Supremo aparece de tempos em tempos aqui neste universo material , em Suas várias formas transcendentais (sem toque de matéria). Todas essas aparições são descritas na literatura Védica. Ele vem, por Sua misericórdia infinita para restabelecer os princípios religiosos e para dar chance de liberação do cativeiro material a todos os seres vivos. Ele vem nas diferentes eras da criação para ensinar pessoalmente o Sistema de Yoga (religião) para a era específica. Ninguém pode alcançar o Supremo através de métodos elaborados pelo intelecto humano material, por mais perfeitos que possam parecer, nem seguindo partes de sistemas de outras eras. A única maneira é através da misericórdia do Supremo, que Se manifesta Pessoalmente ou pelos Seus enviados transcendentais.
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu é esse Senhor Supremo, a Suprema Personalidade de Deus. Ele é conhecido como Sri Krishna Chaitanya, ou Gaura Hari - a Forma Suprema Dourada do Senhor Supremo, ou Gauranga, ou Chaitanyachandra, ou Shachinandana, ou Mahaprabhu, entre Seus infinitos Nomes Transcendentais. Ele e Sri Krishna são a mesma Pessoa Suprema. Ele é Krishna na forma de Seu próprio Devoto, ou seja, Chaitanya é Krishna saboreando o amor que Seus devotos sentem por Ele próprio. O êxtase dos devotos de Sri Krishna é tão intenso e maravilhoso que o próprio Krishna sente atração por experimentá-lo, aí, Ele é Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, como afirma o primeiro verso do Sri Chaitanya Chandramrita de Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati:
"Glorifiquemos a Suprema Personalidade de Deus incomensuravelmente misericordiosa, o príncipe de Vraja. Para saborear as doces ondas inebriantes do néctar de amor transcendental por Krishna, bem como para dar esse néctar a outros, Ele apareceu na transcendental morada de Navadwip como o Senhor Chaitanya Mahaprabhu".
Na presente era, Kali-Yuga, a era do ferro, apesar de ser a era da degradação e degeneração total, tem-se a grande boa fortuna da Vinda do Próprio Sri Krishna em Sua Forma mais Sublime, Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Ele é o Próprio Krishna disfarçado como a personalidade de Sua Energia Amorosa Devocional Suprema, Sri Radha (Hare). Chaitanya é Krishna internamente e Radha externamente. Ele vem nos ensinar o método para alcançar a Perfeição Última, o despertar do Amor Puro Transcendental ao Senhor Supremo, Sri Krishna, pelo Seu exemplo Pessoal. Também é conhecido como a Encarnação Disfarçada do Senhor Supremo, o Avatara Dourado.
A vinda de Sri Chaitanya Dev a este planeta é um fato raríssimo, que acontece em milhões e milhões de anos. É o acontecimento mais sublime e auspicioso da manifestação cósmica. Ele distribuiu gratuitamente, e sem discriminações, o Néctar sublime de Krishna-Prema, ou seja, o relacionamento íntimo amoroso do ser vivo com Deus, que é a perfeição máxima, como Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati escreveu no seu Sri Chaitanya Chandramrita (verso 7):
Que benefício o mundo obteve quando o Senhor Rama, o Senhor Nrisimha e tantas outras encarnações de Deus mataram vários Rakshasas e demônios Daitya? Qual a importância do Senhor Kapila e outras encarnações terem revelado os caminhos de Sankhya e Yoga? Que glória há na criação, manutenção e destruição dos universos materiais pelo senhor Brahma e outros Guna-Avataras? Quão auspicioso foi o ato do Senhor Varaha levantar a Terra do oceano Garbhodaka? Nós não consideramos nenhuma dessas atividades muito importantes. O fato mais importante é que o Senhor Chaitanya revelou o grande esplendor do amor puro por Krishna. Glorifiquemos esse Senhor Chaitanya Mahaprabhu!
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu permaneceu na Terra por 48 anos (1486-1534) e causou uma total revolução espiritual em toda a Índia. Ele veio acompanhado de Seus companheiros transcendentais eternos, na forma de grandes sábios santos e outras personalidades, como Sri Rupa Goswami e Prabodhananda Sarasvati, entre inumeráveis outros, os quais escreveram vários livros sobre a Ciência Transcendental do Amor Puro Divino, em Sânscrito e Bengali. Todos esses livros não são livros comuns inventados pelo intelecto humano, eles são o puro néctar, são o tesouro mais valioso de toda a humanidade, e são muito mais importantes que a própria literatura Védica, ou outras escrituras.
Esses ensinamentos maravilhosos de Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu destroem toda a ilusão e ignorância no coração dos seres vivos, e são o alívio refrescante para todo o sofrimento e miséria deste mundo. Eles foram mantidos até hoje pela graça de grandes almas que passam por este planeta, pela misericórdia infinita de Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, tais como Visvanatha Chakravarti, Baladeva Vidhyabhushana, Jagannatha Prabhu, Bhaktivinoda Thakur, Srila Gaura Kishor Babaji, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupada, Bhaktiraksaka Sridhar Dev Maharaj, entre vários outros, como o autor do livro afirma no Capítulo V, Item 4 (Determinação de Rati ou Inclinação):
"Nós discutimos durante um bom tempo sobre conhecimento. Agora deixem-me dizer algo mais sobre Bhava Bhakti. Mesmo se Bhava Bhakti originar-se de Sadhana Bhakti ou for derivada da graça de Krishna ou de Seus devotos, nunca pode ser nutrida sem a companhia dos devotos de Krishna. Se for cometida qualquer ofensa aos Bhaktas de Krishna, este tesouro inestimável de Rati diminui gradualmente e no fim se aniquila ou se degenera em alguma forma de qualidade inferior".
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur (1838-1914), o autor deste livro, é um desses companheiros eternos do Senhor, e um dos grandes mestres santos na linha de Mahaprabhu (Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradaya). Este livro é uma prova concreta do néctar sublime dos ensinamentos de Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Bhaktivinoda significa aquele que vivencia e sente prazer nos passatempos do serviço amoroso devocional.
Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, o Supremo Senhor, teve seis discípulos íntimos conhecidos como os Seis Goswamis de Vrindavana, liderados por Rupa e Sanatana. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur é companheiro íntimo desses Goswamis, e apareceu na era contemporânea por sua misericórdia infinita, para conceder o néctar de Bhakti às pessoas atuais. Bhaktivinoda foi chamado de o Sétimo Goswami, pois sua vida só se compara à dos Seis Goswamis de Vrindavana.
Bhaktivinoda teve vários filhos santos, entre eles, o grande Srila Prabhupad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, mestre de Srila Sridhar Dev Goswami Maharaj e de Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupada.
Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur predisse que uma grande personalidade viria no futuro para propagar pelo mundo o néctar das instruções transcendentais de Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.
Essa grande personalidade é Sua Divina Graça Visvavarenya Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Srila Prabhupada, a encarnação do Senhor Nityananda Prabhu, que pela graça de seu Gurudev, nos concedeu o acesso ao néctar sublime da Lua Nectárea de Sri Gaurachandra. Aos pés de lótus dele, este insignificante tradutor oferece suas mais respeitosas reverências milhões e milhões de vezes, repetidamente:
Prabhupada Pranati
namah om visnupadaya krsna-presthaya bhutale
swami sri bhaktivedanta prabhupadaya te namah
gurvajnam sirasi-dhrtva saktyavesa sva-rupine
hare-krsneti mantrena pascatya-pracya-tarine
swami sri bhaktivedanta prabhupadaya te namah
gurvajnam sirasi-dhrtva saktyavesa sva-rupine
hare-krsneti mantrena pascatya-pracya-tarine
visvacarya prabaryaya divya karunya murtaye
sri bhagavata-madhurya-gita-jnana pradayine
gaura-sri-rupa-siddhanta-sarasvati nisevine
radha-krsna-padambhoja-bhrngaya gurave
sri bhagavata-madhurya-gita-jnana pradayine
gaura-sri-rupa-siddhanta-sarasvati nisevine
radha-krsna-padambhoja-bhrngaya gurave
"Ofereço minhas humildes reverências à Sua Divina Graça A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaj Prabhupada, que é um companheiro querido de Krsna e que descendeu de Goloka para este plano. Concentrado na instrução de seu Guru, ele é Shaktyavesa (dotado de poder) Avatar de Nityananda Prabhu personificado. Ele distribuiu o mantra Hare Krsna em todo o mundo Oriental e Ocidental, assim liberou e elevou todos os seres caídos.Ele é o melhor entre milhões de Jagat-Gurus, pois ele é a personificação da misericórdia divina. Ele distribuiu o doce néctar do Srimad Bhagavatam e o conhecimento transcendental do Bhagavad-gita por todo o mundo. Ele está constantemente ocupado no serviço exclusivo a Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupad, Srila Rupa Goswami e Sri Gauranga Mahaprabhu. Ofereço minhas humildes reverências a Srila Prabhupada, ele é como uma abelha que sempre tenta saborear o néctar dos pés de lótus de Sri Sri Radha e Govinda".
Ofereço minhas humildes reverências também a meu amado Guru Maharaj Srila Bhakti Raksak Sridhar Dev-Goswami Maharaj, repetidamente, bem como a todos os irmãos queridos de meu Gurudev, Srila Prabhupada, bem como a todos meus irmãos queridos.
Apesar de reverenciar todas essas grandes personalidades que são devotos puros de Sriman Mahaprabhu bem como Seus companheiros eternos transcendentais, não tenho nenhuma competência para representá-los, sou apenas um aspirante desqualificado e fracassado a servo do servo do servo dos devotos dessas personalidades.
Peço desculpas aos nobres leitores por eventuais erros de digitação ou redação. Não sou nenhum perito em Português, tentei manter o espírito da tradução original em Inglês, por isso, não facilitei muito a linguagem. Este livro exige reflexão no ato da leitura, como o próprio autor recomenda no Prefácio. Não segui a linha de Srila Prabhupada para traduzir certas palavras, como no caso de "sentience" (sensibilidade), ou "Highest Entity" (Entidade Suprema). Isso, tentando manter a originalidade do texto. O tradutor em Inglês usou a palavra "Sports" para Lila, mas eu mantive a linha de Prabhupada nesse caso, ou seja, "Passatempos". Devido à minha ignorância, considerei a maioria das palavras em Sânscrito como masculinas, pois em Inglês o gênero não varia. Tentei pôr o significado de todas as palavras em Sânscrito entre colchetes, em consideração aos leigos, há também um pequeno glossário no final do livro. As palavras entre parênteses são do texto original em Inglês.
Sobre Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur e este livro, que é como uma bomba que destrói toda a ilusão e ignorância, cito um verso do Sri Chaitanya Chandramrita de Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati (verso 19):
Se um devoto, que é como uma abelha bebendo o néctar dos pés de lótus do Senhor Chaitanya, não aparecer, não serão amargas as conversas sobre liberação impessoal, não se soltarão as correntes da adesão cega a convenções sociais védicas, e continuarão os debates tumultuados sobre os méritos de vários caminhos espirituais inúteis.
(Esse devoto é o autor do livro, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur).
O leitor leigo se quiser saborear este livro, deve admitir a existência de Deus, mesmo que hipoteticamente. Krishna é esse Deus Supremo. Além de ler com esse espírito, ele deve adotar uma postura humilde de coração, pois ler com propósitos de desafio não será frutífero.
A palavra Krishna tem vários significados, como a maioria das palavras em Sânscrito. Um dos significados de Krishna é o Todo-Atrativo. O Senhor Supremo é a fonte original e inesgotável de toda beatitude, toda bem-aventurança, toda beleza, conhecimento, fama, riqueza, poder, prazer, renúncia, abnegação, misericórdia, bem como, todo Amor Extático Transcendental, e todos os Passatempos e Diversões sublimes, por isso, Ele é Krishna, o Todo-Atrativo.
O leitor leigo, após se familiarizar um pouco mais com o Pensamento Védico Gaudiya-Vaishnava (na linha de Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu), verá que Deus é apenas um dos muitos aspectos secundários de Sri Krishna.
Meu conselho é que o livro seja lido destemidamente, ou seja, mesmo que surjam dúvidas, continue a ler que a resposta virá em seguida. A verdade pode doer às vezes, seja honesto consigo mesmo. Este livro não é para ser lido simplesmente, mas sim estudado, cada frase tem que ser refletida e assimilada. E não é para ler só uma vez, quanto mais ele for lido, mais aumentará o néctar.
A seguir um prefácio nectáreo do próprio autor, Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur.
Visvavandya Dasa
São Paulo, maio de 1990
==================================São Paulo, maio de 1990
Alguns versos do Sri Chaitanya Chandramrita de Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati Thakur:
(34) O advento do Senhor Chaitanya Mahaprabhu é como um oceano de néctar expandido. Quem não coleta as jóias valiosas desse oceano é certamente o mais pobre dos pobres.(117) Agora que a Suprema Personalidade de Deus, cujos pés de lótus os semideuses aspiram por servir e que tem o nome Chaitanya, descendeu neste mundo, as doces ondas nectáreas de amor puro por Krishna estão inundando o mundo inteiro. Quem é criança agora? Quem é velho? Quem é tolo? Quem é mulher? Quem é caído e desafortunado? Todos alcançaram o mesmo destino. Todos obtiveram o mesmo néctar continuamente saboreado pelos devotados aos pés do Senhor Hari.(130) Em quais orifícios auriculares entraram as palavras maravilhosas "amor puro por Krishna"? Quem conheceu as glórias dos santos nomes? Quem penetrou na grande doçura das florestas de Vrindavana? Quem compreendeu Sri Radha, plena das mais maravilhosas doçuras nectáreas do amor puro por Krishna? Só o Senhor Chaitanyachandra é quem revelou misericordiosamente tudo isso.
Nitai Gaura Hari Bol !!!
Guarde as minhas instruções em seu coração
Srila Gurudeva estava raspando seu cabelo em Vrajabhumi teresópolis, então eu sentado aos seus pés peguei um punhado deles e perguntei : Srila Gurudeva posso guardar? Srila Gurudeva respondeu, Isto é mala, excremento ( claro que não era), isso deve ser jogado fora , voce deve guardar é minhas palavras em seu coração.
Jaya Srila Gurudeva !
Oh, Maya serva eterna do senhor, suas qualidades são divinas, sua potencia é insuperável, Pela misericórdia de Krishna encontramos um alma livre de sua jurisdição. Por favor Maya seja complacente conosco remova sua cobertura para que possamos seguir as pegadas de nosso divino mestre.
Radhe Radhe !
domingo, 29 de janeiro de 2012
Srila Prabhupada Sri Advaitacarya class
Srila Prabhupada Lecture on Sri Advaitacarya
Caitanya-caritamrta Adi 1.13
“...because He propagates the cult of devotion, He is called Acarya. He is the Lord and the incarnation of the Lord's devotee. Therefore I take shelter of Him.”
advaitam harinadvaitadSo gradually the author is offering respect, sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda sri-advaita. He has already offered respect to Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda. Now it is the turn for Sri Advaitacarya. So advaitam, nondifferent, expansion of Mahavisnu. Therefore He is Visnu-tattva. He is not jiva-tattva. Therefore, He is Advaita.
acaryam bhakti-samsanat
bhaktavataram isam tam
advaitacaryam asraye
Srila Prabhupada: So there will be no scarcity of acarya, and people will understand Krsna consciousness very easily. So make that organization. Don't be falsely puffed up. Follow the acarya instruction and try to make yourself perfect, mature. Then it will be very easy to fight out maya. Yes. Acaryas, they declare war against maya's activities, that maya instructing that “here is wine, here is cigarette, here is that," in your country these advertisements are very prominent, holding both ways, wine advertisement, cigarette advertisement, naked woman advertisements, and sometimes gambling also, advertisement. What is that? Congo?
Devotees: Bingo.
Srila Prabhupada: Bingo. (laughter) Yes. So this is maya. And our declaration of war with maya -- no intoxication, no meat-eating, no bingo -- (laughter) these are our declaration of war. So we have to fight in that way because nobody can understand Krsna without being free from all sinful activities. These are sinful activities. Therefore it is acarya's business to stop these nonsense activities. Otherwise they'll not be able to understand, especially the meat-eaters. They cannot understand. Nivrtta-tarsair upagiyamanad bhavausadhi chrotra-mano 'bhiramat, ka uttamasloka-gunanuvadat puman virajyeta vina pasughnat. Unless one is very expert in killing animals, he's not bereft from Krsna consciousness. That means one who is very expert in killing, he cannot understand. Therefore Christ also said, “Thou shall not kill”, the first business. Nobody will be able if one is a killer of animal, small or big, ultimately killer of his own children, killer of his own self. The killing process is so nice that it goes up to the point of killing one's children. That is now happening. Killing business has so expanded that they are killing their own children. Just see the influence of Kali-yuga. The children, they take shelter of the father and mother, thinking very safe. Now, in this Kali-yuga, even there is no safety under the care of father and mother. Just see how this material civilization is progressing. Very, very dangerous. Kalau nasta-drsam. Therefore that Bhagavata verse is there, krsnesvadhamopagate dharma-jnanadibhih, kalau nasta-drsam puranarko 'dhunoditam. Very, very abominable condition in this age of Kali, very, very. It is the beginning of Kali. Now we have to pass through 427,000's of years. Kali-yuga will make progress in that way. And people are now practicing eating their children, and at the end of Kali there will be no food available.
They'll... They have to eat the children just like the snakes do. The snake eat their own children. There are many animals; they eat their own children. So don't try to repeat your birth again and again in this Kali-yuga. It will be not very happy life. Better sacrifice everything in this life and be fully Krsna conscious and go back to home, back to Godhead. Don't wait for the next life. This is very seriously repeated, that “This life I shall finish my Krsna consciousness business”, and, as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, that Krsna consciousness business means to understand Krsna rightly. And He's explaining Himself rightly. Where is the difficulty to finish the Krsna consciousness business? If Krsna is explaining Himself, what He is, then where is your difficulty? Krsna is explaining Himself in the Bhagavad-gita, Krsna is sending His representative acarya to teach you and Krsna is within yourself trying to teach you if you are actually serious. Then where is the difficulty? Inside, outside, always, books, knowledge -- He is prepared.
So where is the difficulty to make yourself perfect in Krsna consciousness? There is no difficulty at all. Provided you are serious, you can become fully Krsna conscious in this very life. You are all young men. You are not old man like me. I have no opportunity.
Srila Prabhupada Page
Sri Advaita Acharya
Parishads: Srimad Advaita Acharya
Srila Prabhupada Lecture on Sri Advaitacarya
Jornal Hare Krsna Brasil: Sri Advaita Acarya
Sri Caitanyadeva Lilas
Srila Prabhupada Lecture on Sri Advaitacarya
Jornal Hare Krsna Brasil: Sri Advaita Acarya
Sri Caitanyadeva Lilas
The Sixth Jewel: Advaita-tattva [The Advaita Principle]
Festival de Bhakti Yoga no Rio de Janeiro - Sri Gauravani Gaudiya Math - Dez.. 2012
Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare Hare Rama Rama Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Radhe Govinda Jaya Radhe Govinda!!!!
Gaudiya Matha, começando o ano de 2012 na melhor das vibrações.
Radhe Govinda Jaya Radhe Govinda!!!!
Gaudiya Matha, começando o ano de 2012 na melhor das vibrações.
Festival Pure Bhakti em São Paulo com Sripad BV Vana Maharaja
Radharani Ki Jay Maharani Ki Jay!!! - Sadhu-Sanga Ki Jay!Venham Todas Jivas Queridas ,,,,
Maiores informações e detalhes no face book.
Festival com Sripad Vana Maharaja!!!
Maiores informações e detalhes no face book.
Festival com Sripad Vana Maharaja!!!
Sri Vyasa de Sri Advaita Acharya
Radhe Radhe ! Hare Krsna ! Vancã Kalpa !
30/01/12 - segunda-feira
Gaura-saptami. Aparecimento do Avatar de Mahavishnu, Sri Advaita Acharya.
30/01/12 - segunda-feira
Gaura-saptami. Aparecimento do Avatar de Mahavishnu, Sri Advaita Acharya.
Parishads: Srimad Advaita Acharya
by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaja
vraje avesha-rupatvad vyuho yo’pi sadashivah
sa evadvaita-gosvami caitanyabhinna-vigrahah
(Gaura-ganoddesha- dipika 76)
yash ca gopala-dehah san vraje krishnasya sannidhauIn Vraja, he took the form of a cowherd boy and danced alongside Krishna. This is stated by Bhairava in the Shivatantra: “Once, during the Divali festival in the month of Karttik, my guru Shankaradeva saw Krishna dancing with Balaram and the cowherd boys. He became desirous of becoming a cowherd boy himself and he began to dance, spinning like a whirling wheel for Krishna’s pleasure.” Thus, by Krishna’s mercy, Sadashiva plays two different roles in Vraja, in one he is Shiva himself, in the other, he is a cowherd boy.
nanarta shri-shiva-tantre bhairavasya vaco yatha
ekada karttike masi dipa-yatra-mahotsave
sa-ramah saha-gopalah krishno nrityati yatnavan
nirikshya mad-gurur devo gopa-bhavabhilashavan
priyena nartitum arabdhash cakra-bhramana-lilaya
shri-krishnasya prasadena dvi-vidho’bhut sadashivah
ekas tatra shivah sakshad anyo gopala-vigrahah
(Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 77-80)
maha-vishnur jagat-karta mayaya yah srijaty adahMahavishnu is the master of the universe, which he creates through his power of Maya. Advaita Acharya is the incarnation of this form of the supreme lord. He is known as Advaita because he is none other than Hari, as Acharya because he is the preceptor of devotion. I take shelter of the supreme lord Advaita Acharya who is the incarnation of a devotee.
tasyavatara evayam advaitacarya ishvarah
advaitam harinadvaitad acaryam bhakti-shasanat
bhaktavataram isham tam advaitacaryam ashraye
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.1.12-13) Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakur has written, “Maya has two functions, and Maha Vishnu appears in two ways according to those functions. When he is within the material world as creator, he is the universe’s effective cause (nimitta-karana) in his form as Vishnu. In the unmanifest material energy (pradhana), appearing in the form of Rudra, he has a second identity as Advaita.”
Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur has also written about Advaita Acharya in his Anubhashya to Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.6.12: “Lord Advaita Acharya is Maha Vishnu. He is the supreme preceptor. Vishnu’s activities are auspicious because of his existence as the owner or master of the universe. He is the root source of all auspiciousness.... Anyone who cannot understand that the complications which are ever present in the material universe are beneficial in a way which is pure, eternal, complete and free is deprived of his true spiritual activity, devotion to Krishna.”
Advaita Acharya was also known as Kamalaksha:
The well-being of the universe is in Advaita. He is the abode of all auspicious qualities. His activities are the eternal source of welfare for the world, so he was given the name Mangala.... Advaita, the abode of virtue, is a portion (amsha) of Mahavishnu; his full name is thus Advaita because he is not different from him.... He is the most noble personality in the universe, the spiritual master of the Vaishnavas; he thus has two names which come together as Advaita Acharya. Because in appearance he has eyes like lotus flowers, he also has the name Kamalaksha.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.6.12, 26. 30-31)
Vrindavan Das Thakur has also described Advaita as both the foremost of the Vaishnavas and as Shankara:
Residing in Nabadwip is the foremost of the Vaishnava, the most fortunate of all people, Advaita Acharya. He is the chief amongst the gurus in knowledge, devotion and renunciation. He especially teaches devotion to Krishna in the same way that Shankara did.
(Chaitanya Bhagavat 1.2.78-9)
Advaita’s Appearance
(Bhakti-ratnakara 5.2041-3)
On the seventh day of the waxing moon in the month of Magh, the great ocean of joy overflowed. In that auspicious moment, the moon of Advaita descended in the blessed womb of Nabha Devi. In his ecstasy, Kubera Pandit gave in charity to the Brahmins and the poor. He tiptoed to the birthing room and his heart was filled with gladness upon seeing his son’s face. All the villagers came running to his house and said to each other, “What pious works did this Brahmin do that in his old age he has been blessed with such a jewel of a son?” The gods rained down flowers without being seen. There is nothing with which this scene can compare. Ghanashyama sings of this great auspicious occasion when a joyous uproar rang around the earth. (Bhakti-ratnakara 12.1759-62)
In the Gaudiya Vaishnava Abhidhana, Advaita’s birthplace is given as Laura Gram. It is also said there that Advaita Prabhu left Laura to go to live in Sylhet and then from there moved to Shantipur. He also had a home in Nabadwip. His full name was Sri Kamalaksha or Kamala Kanta Vedapanchanana. His birth took place in 1434 AD and he disappeared in the year 1559, at the age of 125 years.
Jahnava Mata’s diksha disciple Nityananda Das wrote in his Prema-vilasa that Advaita’s birthplace is to be found in Shantipur. He writes that Advaita studied the Veda and other scriptures with the scholar Shantacharya, who lived in the Phullabati section of Shantipur and earned from him the title acharya. Advaita’s life has been described in several Bengali books, including Advaita-mangala, Advaita-vilasa and Sitacaritra. In the Advaita-vilasa it is written, “The lord remained on this earth for a century and a quarter, performing unlimited pastimes.”
Advaita Prabhu’s Travels
(Gaura-ganoddesha-dipika 86)
Advaita Acharya also had two residences, one in Shantipur, the other not far from Srivasa’s home in Nabadwip-Mayapur. His heart was greatly pained at seeing that the people of the world were devoid of any devotion to Vishnu and were as a consequence greatly suffering the pains of material life. Overwhelmed with compassion, he began to teach the Bhagavad-gita and Bhagavat, explaining that the purport of the scriptures was to engage in devotional service to Krishna. At about the same time, Madhavendra Puri had a dream in which Govardhanadhari Gopal commanded him to find sandalwood paste for the deity service. Madhavendra then started out for Puri, taking the road through western Bengal. While there, he stopped at Advaita’s house in Shantipur. Advaita became convinced to accept Madhavendra Puri as his guru when he saw his devotional ecstasies, even though he himself is an expansion of the supreme lord. He underwent this ritual in order to demonstrate to the conditioned souls the necessity of accepting a spiritual master.
Madhavendra Puri arrived in the house of Advaita Acharya. When Advaita saw Puripada’s prema, he felt a deep inner joy. So, he took care to receive the mantra from him, after which Madhavendra left to continue his voyage to the south.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.4.110-1)
It is said that Mahaprabhu is the main trunk of the wish-fulfilling tree of devotion, as well as the gardener who enjoys and distributes the tree’s fruits. Though the tree was planted in Nabadwip, it grew in Purushottam Dham (Puri) and Vrindavan, expanding into an entire orchard producing many, many fruits of love. Madhavendra Puri is said to be the first seedling, which eventually grew into this tree. Isvara Puri was the nourished form of this seedling. Mahaprabhu, though himself the gardener, also became the tree’s main trunk through his inconceivable energies. Advaita and Nityananda were the two secondary trunks into which the main trunk divided.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.9.21)
The Cause of the Lord’s Incarnation
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.3.107-9)
Advaita Acharya dwelt in Shantipur. His body is the reservoir of devotional nectar and is not different from that of Chaitanya. Chaitanya, whose spotless fame has filled the earth, was brought down to this earth by him. My Advaita is not different from Gauranga, and his wife Sita is the mother of the universe. His roars brought Gauranga into this world and then he glorified him everywhere.
(Bhakti-ratnakara 12.3753-6)
All glories to Advaita Acharya, the most merciful, whose roars brought about Gauranga’s incarnation. Whoever takes shelter of his lotus feet will obtain the great prize of love for Gaura.
(Bhakti-ratnakara 12.3761, 3764)
He constantly served Krishna with great enthusiasm, offering Ganges water and tulasi manjaris. Absorbed in thoughts of Krishna, he worshiped him by roaring his name, the sound of which filled the entire universe, reaching up to Vaikuntha. Lord Krishna heard the sound of these roars of love and made himself visible to humanity, for he is controlled by his devotee.
(Chaitanya Bhagavat 1.2.81-3)
Prior to Mahaprabhu’s appearance, Nityananda Prabhu also descended on the thirteenth day of the waxing moon in the month of Magh, into the family of Hariai Pandit and Padmavati in the village of Ekachakra in Rarha, bestowing upon them the opportunity to serve him in the vatsalya-rasa. Meanwhile, eight daughters were born to Jagannath Mishra and Sachi Devi, all of whom died before their son, Vishvarupa, Nityananda Prabhu’s other self, took birth. Subsequently, on the full moon evening of the month of Phalgun, the source of all avatars, Gauracandra, made his appearance. After the appearance of Sri Chaitanya, Sita Devi took Advaita’s permission to come with gifts to Nabadwip from Shantipur to see the most wonderful child. When she saw him, she blessed him by placing unhusked rice and durva grass on his head.
Advaita Acharya’s wife was a respectable and noble woman name Sita Thakurani. Taking permission from her husband, she went to Nabadwip bearing gifts to see the crown jewel of infants.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.13.112)
Advaita Acharya established a tol for teaching Sanskrit in Nabadwip-Mayapur and started to engage in a deep study of the scriptures. Every day, Mahaprabhu’s older brother Vishvarupa used to go to Advaita’s house after bathing in the Ganges to listen to him lecture. On certain occasions, when Advaita was engaged in performing his puja, Vishvarupa would explain to everyone present there that devotion to Krishna was the ultimate purport of all the scriptures. When Advaita heard him speaking in this way, he got up from worshiping his deity and embraced him. Sachi regularly sent little Nimai at lunchtime with something for Vishvarupa to eat. When Advaita Prabhu saw Nimai’s beautiful face he became enchanted, but was unable to recognize him as his worshipable lord, the Supreme Truth.
In the meantime, Vishvarupa had secretly decided that he would renounce family life out of a realization that the material world is temporary and that a human being’s only real duty is to worship the lord. When he saw that his parents were starting to make wedding plans for him, he quickly left home and took sannyasa, after which he was known by the name Shankararanya. Sachi, Jagannath and other devotees all lamented his loss. Advaita too was pained by Vishvarupa’s departure, but pacified everyone by saying that Krishna himself would appear soon to eradicate everyone’s distress.
After Vishvarupa’s abandonment of the hearth, Sachi and Jagannath became afraid that Nimai would follow his example and so they put a stop to his education. Later, however, when they heard Nimai speaking sweetly in the mood of Dattatreya, they decided it would be better to send him back to school. Jagannath Mishra left this world not long after Nimai was given the sacred thread and had become fully absorbed in his studies.
While Mahaprabhu was still fully devoted to his pastimes as a scholar, his marriage to Ballabha’s daughter Lakshmipriya was arranged. In those days, Advaita was holding Bhagavat lectures and kirtan at his house in Nabadwip. All the devotees including Advaita were very enthused about the singer Mukunda Datta’s voice. On one occasion Isvara Puri came to Advaita’s house while on a visit to Nabadwip. From his vigorous appearance, Advaita was able to recognize that he was a Vaishnava sannyasi. Later, Gauranga also met him.
At that time, Isvara Puri arrived in Nabadwip in a most discrete manner. Constantly preoccupied with the taste of Krishna devotion, he was single-minded, dear to Krishna and compassionate. No one was able to recognize him because he was not dressed as a sannyasi, until one day, by chance, he arrived at Advaita’s house.
(Chaitanya Bhagavat 1.11.70-72)
Advaita Tests Mahaprabhu
(Chaitanya Bhagavat 3.9.297-8)
After the Vyasa Puja had come to an end, Mahaprabhu took on the mood of the supreme lord and sent Ramai Pandit, Srivasa Pandit’s brother, to fetch Advaita from his house in Shantipur by telling him of the Lord’s divine manifestation: “Advaita Prabhu has brought Hari, the Lord of Goloka, to this earth by his cries and by worshiping him with Ganges water and tulasi. Nityananda Prabhu has also made his auspicious appearance in Nabadwip. So Advaita Acharya and his wife should come immediately to Srivasa Angan, bringing all the paraphernalia for worship with him.” Ramai immediately carried out Mahaprabhu’s order and took his message to Advaita Prabhu.
As soon as Advaita heard that Mahaprabhu had publicly revealed his divine identity, he and Sita Devi immediately set off, bringing their son Achyutananda and some other associates. But rather than going directly to Srivasa’s house, Advaita decided to test Mahaprabhu by hiding in Nandanacharya’s house. He told Ramai not to tell Mahaprabhu, but the lord, who knows the heart of all, was able to see through Advaita’s plan. As Mahaprabhu sat on the altar and revealed his own deity to everyone, Nityananda held the royal parasol while Gadadhara and the other devotees engaged in a variety of services. This time, when Mahaprabhu sent Ramai to Nandanacharya’s house to fetch Advaita, Advaita realized that Mahaprabhu was omniscient and hesitated no longer.
In the company of his wife, he joyfully prostrated himself before the lord, speechless before the manifestation of the lord’s divine power. He washed the lord’s lotus feet and then worshiped him with the five ingredients (pancopacara), using the following mantra to do so:
namo brahmanyadevaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca I pay my obeisances to Krishna Govinda, the lord of the brahminical society, to him who is the source of the cows’ and the Brahmins’ welfare, and who is the source of the entire universe’s well-being.
Mahaprabhu then commanded Advaita Prabhu to get up and dance. Advaita started to dance madly until he was completely intoxicated in a way that astonished all the watching devotees.
Krishnadas Kaviraj has written:
There is one Mahaprabhu or supreme lord, and two other prabhus, or lords. The two other prabhus serve the lotus feet of Mahaprabhu. These three personalities belong to the category of the all-worshipable; the fourth category is the devotee who is the worshiper. Srivasa and the millions of other devotees belong to the category of the pure devotees. Gadadhara Pandit and others are considered to be incarnations of the Lord’s energies or shaktis. They are counted as his intimate devotees. (Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.7.94-7)
These are the Pancha Tattva, who include Gauranga Mahaprabhu, the form of a devotee; Nityananda Prabhu, who is the bhakta-Svarupa; and Advaita Acharya, the incarnation of the devotee. These three are considered to be prabhu-tattva or Vishnu-tattva, the category of the lord. Advaita is an incarnation of Mahavishnu, he belongs to the category of Vishnu-tattva, but because he took on the mood of a devotee so he is called bhaktavatara, the incarnation of a devotee.” Because Gauranga, Nityananda and Advaita all belong to the category of Vishnu-tattva, tulasi leaves are offered to their feet. Without Advaita’s mercy, one can never attain the service of Chaitanya and Nityananda.
daya koro sitapati advaita gosani
Be merciful, Advaita Prabhu, husband of Sita! On the strength of your mercy, I will attain Chaitanya and Nitai.
(Narottama Das Thakur)
Advaita Acharya’s glories and his activities have been described extensively in Krishnadas Kaviraj’s Chaitanya Charitamrita, Vrindavan Das’s Chaitanya Bhagavat, Narahari Chakravarti’s Bhakti-ratnakara, as well as in works such as Advaita-vilasa, etc. Those who wish to have a deeper knowledge of his life should consult these books. We can only give an abbreviated biography in this book and such an extensive account cannot be given here. We have only set out to remember the main pastimes Advaita engaged in.
Advaita and Hari Das Thakur
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 3.3.219-20)
One of the branches of the Chaitanya tree is Hari Das Thakur, whose activities are amazing. He would unfailingly chant 300,000 names of the lord every day. I only give an indication here of his unlimited virtues; Advaita Acharya honored him by giving him the shraddha plate.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.10.43-4)
The Sons of Advaita
The Lord Punishes Advaita
(Chaitanya Bhagavat 2.10.166)
Another wonderful pastime was prepared by Advaita in order to show the fallen jivas how auspicious it is to receive punishment from the lord, or from the guru or a Vaishnava. How fortunate is a devotee who is chastised by his guru! This is described in the seventeenth chapter of the Chaitanya Charitamrita, about which Bhaktivinoda Thakur has made the following comments in his Amrita-pravaha-bhashya: “Advaita Acharya is the godbrother of Mahaprabhu’s guru, Isvara Puri. For this reason, Mahaprabhu treated Advaita as his elder and spiritual master, even though Advaita considered himself to be Mahaprabhu’s servant. Advaita was pained to see Mahaprabhu treat him with such respect and so, in order to seek out the merciful punishment of the lord returned to Shantipur and began to explain the path of knowledge to a few unfortunate individuals. When the Lord caught wind of this, he became extremely angry and went to Shantipur to give him a good thrashing. When he was thrashed in this way, Advaita danced for joy, saying, “Look. My desires have been fulfilled today! Mahaprabhu was previously miserly with me, treating me as his respectful elder. Now he has acted toward me as though I were his servant or disciple, by trying to save me from the heresy of mayavada.” When the lord understood that this had all been a ruse on Advaita’s part, he was embarrassed but pleased with him.
The Lord treated Advaita with the respect deserved by a guru. This caused the Acharya great distress, so he adopted a ruse of teaching the path of knowledge. Mahaprabhu became angry and scorned Advaita, causing him great bliss. When he saw his satisfaction with the turn of events, the Lord became ashamed and was merciful to him.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 1.17.66-8)
"Previously Mahaprabhu would honor me. This made me unhappy, so I thought that if I start giving lectures on the Yoga-vashishtha, explaining mukti as the supreme goal of life, the lord would become angry and insult me.
Sachidevi and Advaita
(Chaitanya Bhagavat 2.22.114-6)
Because of her affection for her son, Sachi mentally criticized Advaita in this way and no one knew except for her son, Gaura Hari, who is the indweller of all beings. On the day of the mahaprakasha in the house of Srivasa, when Mahaprabhu was fulfilling the desires of every one of his devotees by allowing them to see his divine form for twenty-one hours, Srivasa asked him whether Sachi Devi could also be blessed with this divine vision. Mahaprabhu answered, “My mother has committed an offense against Advaita Prabhu, so I will not show her this form.”
When the devotees told Sachi what her son had said, she immediately went to Advaita and begged him for forgiveness. After Advaita had heard Sachi’s confession, he began to glorify her as the one who had carried the supreme lord of all creation in her womb. He continued to do so until he became unconscious from the overwhelming love that he felt. Only when he fell unconscious could Sachi finally take the dust of his lotus feet and thus be free from her offense. Mahaprabhu was satisfied with his mother and showed her his glorious, divine form. Another important lesson we can draw from this story is that Vaishnavas are never proud. Even though she had given birth to Lord Gaurahari, Sachi had no inflated pride as a result. As soon as she became aware of having committed an offense, she immediately went without any hesitation to Advaita and prayed to be pardoned.
The Lord Comes to Shantipur
(Chaitanya Bhagavat 2.23.29-30)
The lord danced along the banks of the Bhagirathi while all around him all the people sang the names of Hari. Advaita Acharya preceded him, dancing ecstatically with a small group of devotees.
(Chaitanya Bhagavat 2.23.202-3)
After Mahaprabhu had taken sannyasa from Keshava Bharati in Katwa, he became overwhelmed with love for Krishna and started to run toward Vrindavan. With the help of some cowherd boys, Nityananda Prabhu tricked him into coming to the banks of the Ganges. Nityananda wanted to show him to the people of Nabadwip and wanted to bring him to Shantipur. When Mahaprabhu saw the Ganges, he thought that it was the Yamuna and became ecstatic. Meanwhile, Advaita had heard that Nityananda had brought Mahaprabhu there and came by boat across the river with new clothes for him. Mahaprabhu was astonished to see Advaita, wondering how he could have known that he was in Vrindavan. Advaita answered by saying that Vrindavan was there wherever Mahaprabhu went and that the western flow of the Ganges was the Yamuna. When he heard these words, Mahaprabhu realized that he had been tricked to coming to the western bank of the Ganges across from the town of Shantipur. Advaita had him take a bath and dressed him in the new cloth and then took him to his house where he stayed for several days.
When Sachi and the people of Nabadwip heard that Gaurahari was at Advaita’s they all came there to visit him. Seeing him in his dress as a sannyasi, they were felt joy mixed with separation. Sita Thakurani prepared an immense meal and served it on whole leaves from seed-banana trees. As Mahaprabhu and Nityananda ate, Advaita Prabhu talked and joked with them. This has been extensively described in the Chaitanya Charitamrita’s Madhya-lila, chapter 3. Mahaprabhu afterwards also ate foodstuffs prepared by Sachidevi in order to ease the suffering he had imposed on her by his departure. The reunion of devotees turned into a great festival, and Advaita’s house in the town of Shantipur was transformed into the city of Vaikuntha.
Everyone was dancing and singing the names of Hari. Advaita’s house became the city of Vaikuntha.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.3.156)
Advaita Goes to Puri on the Annual Pilgrimage
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.1.46-49)
Of the last 24 years of Mahaprabhu’s life, six were spent in traveling to and from Puri, while he spent the last eighteen there without ever leaving. During the six years that he was traveling, the Bengali devotees would first find out whether he was present in Puri before going. During the eighteen years of Mahaprabhu’s permanent stay in Puri, the annual trips became a matter of course.
After Mahaprabhu arrived in Puri, returning from Vrindavan, he never again left in the eighteen remaining years of his life. The devotees came from Bengali every year, meeting with the Lord and staying for the four months of the rainy season.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.1.249-50)
All of Mahaprabhu’s servants, Advaita, Nityananda, Mukunda, Srivasa, Vidyanidhi, Vasudeva and Murari, went every year to meet with the lord, staying in Puri for four months. The lord enjoyed a multitude of pastimes with these devotees during this time.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.1.255-6)
The time for Rathayatra came around again and the devotees started off on the annual pilgrimage to Nilachala. They were following the lord’s order to come every year to see the Rathayatra festival. With Advaita Acharya at their head, all the devotees set off toward Nilachala.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 3.8.4-6)
Advaita Acharya would go every year to Puri and stay for the full four months, participating with Mahaprabhu in lilas such as the cleaning of the Gundicha temple, the water sports in Narendrasarovara, Jagannath’s Rathayatra, etc. The best of Advaita’s three orthodox sons, Achyutananda, who was totally devoted to Gauranga, was also present there, as is attested by the fact that his name is mentioned as the leader of the sixth kirtan group at the Rathayatra, which was from Shantipur. Another of Advaita’s sons, Gopal Mishra, is also named in this list. Advaita himself was the principal dancer in the first kirtan group led by Svarupa Damodar.
In the third year, the wives of the Bengal devotees accompanied them, bringing various gifts for Mahaprabhu’s service.
Advaita went first to Sachi Mata’s house to take her leave. Then he departed with the assembly of devotees. They brought with them all the edibles they knew formerly brought pleasure to the Lord. They performed sankirtan the entire length of the route, purifying everything on their way. All the people of the three worlds were sanctified by the devotees’ joyful calls of Hari! Hari! In a mood of ecstasy they all went to see Chaitanya, accompanied by their wives and sons, their male and female servants.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 3.8.39-43)
In the third year, all the devotees from Bengal decided to go to Nilachala. They went in a group to Advaita Acharya’s house, and he happily agreed to go with them to see the lord. That year, all the wives of these saints went also, the mother of Achyuta accompanying Advaita Acharya.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.13.12-13, 21)
Krishnadas Kaviraj has written about a wonderful pastime with Advaita’s son Gopal Mishra in the twelfth chapter of Chaitanya Charitamrita’s Adi-lila. During the cleaning of the Gundicha temple, Advaita and Mahaprabhu were satisfied to see the deep absorption of Gopal in dancing and singing before them. When Gopal Mishra suddenly fell unconscious, Advaita became very anxious and took his inert body in his lap, chanting the Nrisingha mantra. Despite the various mantras that Advaita uttered, Gopal did not return to consciousness. All the devotees began to cry for him, but Mahaprabhu, who takes away the distress of his devotees, touched Gopal over the heart and said, “Get up, Gopal and chant Hari Hari!” Gopal immediately returned to consciousness and stood up. The devotees shouted the names of the Lord in relief and joy.
Kamala Kanta Vishvasa
In the third year when the Bengal devotees came with their wives and gifts of various food preparations that were dear to the lord, he mercifully ate all these offerings out of his affection for them. One day, Mahaprabhu was invited to eat at Advaita’s residence. This time, Advaita himself did the cooking and his wife assisted him by cutting the vegetables and gathering the ingredients. It was Advaita’s secret wish to be able to feed Mahaprabhu alone. It so happened that on that day the weather turned bad and due to a storm, all the sannyasis who normally came with Mahaprabhu on such occasions were unable to accompany him. Mahaprabhu thus arrived by himself, to Advaita’s great satisfaction, for he was thus able to serve him the meal in complete privacy. He praised the god Indra as a servant of Krishna who fulfilled the wishes of his devotees. Mahaprabhu was aware of the Advaita’s mood and praised him by saying, AKrishna himself fulfills your desires, so what is unusual about Indra carrying out your orders?”
(Chaitanya Bhagavat 3.9.60-72)
Mahaprabhu himself glorified Advaita and described the underlying truth of his nature in the following way:
Advaita Acharya is God himself. As a result of his association, I have become purified. Because there is no one equal to him in devotion to Krishna, nor in knowledge of the scriptures, he is called Advaita Acharya. By his mercy, even the mlecchas become devotees of Krishna, who can describe the extent of his powers or his devotion?
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 3.7.17-9)
Mahaprabhu had Rupa and Sanatan Goswamis meet with Advaita and Nityananda in Puri and asked the two prabhus to bless the brothers. Raghunatha Das Goswami received Mahaprabhu’s leftovers by the grace of Advaita Prabhu. He was the object of Advaita’s affection because his father, Govardhana Mishra, had served him honestly.
His father always rendered service to Advaita Acharya, therefore the acharya was pleased with him. By the grace of the acharya, Raghunatha obtained the lord’s leftover plate and was able to have darshan of the lord for five or six days.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 2.16.225-6)
The words that Mahaprabhu spoke to Advaita when he was about to leave Puri show just how much affection he had for him:
Acharya Gosai came here to show his mercy for me. I am bound in debt to his love and there is no way that I can repay him. He has abandoned his wife, children and home for my sake, traveling a long and difficult way to come here. I am living here in Nilachala without moving. I make no effort on your behalf. I am a monk and I have no wealth--what could I give you to make good my debt? My only possession is my body, which I give you. I will sell it to whomever you wish.
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 3.12.70-74)
Advaita’s Riddle
(Chaitanya Charitamrita 3.19.19-21)
Bhaktivinoda Thakur explains this riddle in this way: “Tell Mahaprabhu that everyone has become intoxicated with love for Krishna and so in the marketplace of love, no one is buying the rice of Krishna prema any longer. Tell Mahaprabhu that the crazies (aul) are so intoxicated with love that they are no longer involved in their material duties. Tell Mahaprabhu that Advaita said this in a state of complete intoxication of prema. In short, the message was that the purpose for which Mahaprabhu had been called to earth by Advaita had been completed. Now the lord may do as he wills.”
Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya has also written several poems glorifying Advaita: Advaita-dvadasha-nama-stotra, Advaitashtakam and Advaitashtottara-shata-nama-stotra.
Advaita, the avatar of Mahavishnu, appeared in this world on the seventh day of the waxing moon in the month of Magh. This tithi is also known as Advaita-saptami.
[Excerpted from "Sri Chaitanya: His Life & Associates" by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj]
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