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quinta-feira, 16 de dezembro de 2010

Jai Sri Vrindavan Dhama Jai Sri Radhe Krsna !


Ali! Mhane Lage Vrindavana Niko

ali! mhane lage vrindavana niko

ghara ghara tulasi, thakura puja, darshana govindaji ko

ali! mhane lage vrindavana niko (1)
O friend! I like Vrindavana so much, where in every home there is worship of tulasi and
the Deity with darshana of Govindaji.

nirmala nira bahata yamuna ko, bhojana dudha dahi ko

ali! mhane lage vrindavana niko (2)

Where the pure waters of the Yamuna flow and where the foodstuffs are milk and

yoghurt. O friend! I like Vrindavana so much.

ratna simhasana apa viraje, mukuta dharyo tulasi ko

ali! mhane lage vrindavana niko (3)

Where the Deity sits on a jewelled throne, with tulasi in His crown. O friend! I like

Vrindavana very much.

kunjana kunjana phirata radhika, shabda sunata murali ko,

ali! mhane lage vrindavana niko (4)

Where Radhika roams from kunja to kunja, having heard the vibration of His flute. O

friend! I like Vrindavana so much.

mira ke prabhu giridhara-nagara, bhajana vina nara phiko

ali! mhane lage vrindavana niko (5)

The hero Giridhari is the master of Mira, who says that without bhajana a person is

dull. O friend! I like Vrindavana so much.

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