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terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010

Puri Book Distribution


by Vasanti dasi

Today 2 girls from our book distribution seva team – Taruni dasi and Yamuna dasi – went out for an experiment. We wanted to distribute books near the Jagannatha Temple. We thought it would be a great chance to meet very pious people from all over India, who came especially to take darshan of Lord Jagannatha. We cannot go inside due to our fallen condition, so we were doing kirtana just near the main entrance. There was a big crowd there – hundreds of people searching for spiritual experience. We found distributing books there really easy. Yamuna was surprised, “I didn’t have to do anything. The books themselves did everything, books and kirtana, and Srila Gurudeva, and Sri Jagannatha.” While we were singing the maha-mantra, people were crowding around us and asking for books. We were non-stop giving them Ways of Love, Damodarastakas and especially Jagannatha Ratha Yatras. This constant flow was interrupted time to time only by dwarfish South Indian cows who were suddenly knocking their cute muzzles on our hands asking for some caresses.

I saw nearby one honorable looking Indian family and approached them with books. I was surprised to know that they came from New York. I asked the young gentleman, why didn’t he go inside the temple to see Lord Jagannatha. “My mum went for darshan,” he said, “but I didn’t go, because I feel bad they don’t allow foreigners to come inside. I think the Lord is for everybody, not only for Indians”. He bought the Jagannatha Ratha Yatra book.

Yamuna met very sweet children, with such a very natural and playful mood – she was just charmed by them.

In about two hours all our bags became empty and we managed to come back to Srila Gurudeva’s temple in time for evening prasadam. Now we are waiting for the rest of the girls who should soon come from the book fair, looking forward to hear their news. We’ll write more tomorrow.



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