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segunda-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2010

Sri Gangamata Gaudiya Math

Girls math in London and Brazil

Hare Krsna! Welcome to our seva teams group!! 

Gangamata in Brazil

Prana didi speaking to an interested person outside our stall at a rock festival in Brazil. Kamala didi playing sitar as many people would come and be interested to watch or take part in chanting with us in our tent. Nama Hatta at Goloka Prabhu’s house. We had a sweet and intimate program which allowed his friends to ask many interesting questions Radhika Didi powerfully sharing the word with a sincere boy.

why they came and why they stay

Lets ask the girls there why they came and why they stay...
Radhika 17yrs from Australia

Gaudiya Math in London

We were instructed to open a preaching center in London in the summer of 2003.


Our Needs: 
Gals & Cash $£
How You can Participate: 
come and stay for while and get some training in book distribution kirtan puja cooking etc.. give a donation ... some cash, rice, land, a truck, whatever you have spare.. come out with us on book distribution or harinam or come to the programs. 

                                  Jaya  Srila Gurudeva !

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