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quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010

"Bhakti House".Sri Rupa-Raghunatha Gaudiya Math Center

 por Sri Rupa Raghunatha Ashram,


We need your help to create "Bhakti House".

Your generous donations are needed to purchase a house which will act as the Sri Rupa-Raghunatha Gaudiya Math Center. Here we will hold regular classes on the Philosophy of Bhakti-Yoga, Mantra Meditation, Kirtan, Vedic Scriptures, Vegetarian cooking and much much more.

Our traditional Sunday Programs will also be held at the "Bhakti House" where guests will be introduced to the Science of Bhakti Yoga, Kirtan and our Spiritual Vegetarian Love Feast.

Please click on the link below to help Build Srila BV Narayan Maharaj's first Utah Center!


Your humble servants,

Jaya Gopal Das & Bhavesh Das

Traduçao eletronica: 

O Sri Rupa-Raghunatha Gaudiya Math, sob a orientação de Srila BV Narayana Goswami Maharaj está criando uma Sangha onde todos possam sentir-se amado e valorizado. Com muitas oportunidades para permitir a sua Bhakti para flourish.We preciso de sua ajuda para comprar uma casa como nós criamos "Bhakti House". Que servirá como Centro e Ashram. Aqui vamos dar aulas e realizar programas semanais para todos os que desejem participar
Hare Krsna Jaya Srila Gurudeva  Jaya Maha Lakshmi Devi !Radhe !


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