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sábado, 25 de fevereiro de 2012

Have I Made a Mistake?

foto -Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Gosvami , Srila Bhakti Promod Puri Gosvami y Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami.               

by Sréla Bhakti Dayita Mädhava Gosvämé Mahäräja

[NOTE: This page uses Balarama font (available here) for better transliteration of Sanskrit into English. Click here for a version without Balarama font.]

My Doubt

A doubt occasionally arises in my heart. I think, Have I made a mistake in accepting the shelter

of the lotus feet of the Gauòéya Vaiñëavas? It certainly seems so. I appear to have made a mistake in taking up bhajana, in accepting the shelter of the Gauòéya Vaiñëavas and, specifically, in taking refuge of the Gauòéya Maöha and dedicating all my senses to serving in the Maöha.

“Gauòéya Vaiñëavas are not big-hearted. When we perform bhajana under their shelter, we are controlled by so many rules and regulations. If I were to take refuge of some other sampradäya where there is no concern for offences, such as vaiñëava-aparädha, näma-aparädha or dhäma-aparädha, I would feel no such hindrance or botheration. I would not be obliged to develop exclusive devotion for a particular object of worship [such as Rädhä and Kåñëa], nor would my eating habits be curtailed.

In the Maöha, issues like vaiñëavaaparädha are raised, and it often impedes my unrestricted sense

enjoyment, lawless gossiping and other whimsical activities. It would therefore be better for me to live

outside the Maöha than be governed by such restraints.”

Sometimes I even think it would be best for me to abandon the shelter of a gurudeva as controlling as

mine altogether, and to accept the mantra elsewhere, from someone who doesn’t demand that I pay

attention to all the rules and regulations. Thus, I occasionally contemplate severing my ties with the

Gauòéya Maöha completely. What stops me, however, is the thought that if people were to find out that I had broken my connection with Çré Guru, it could jeopardise my prestige and position.

Discipline and Deceit

The Vaiñëavas of the Gauòéya Maöha are onepointedlyengaged in worshiping Çré Gauräìgadeva

and Çré Rädhä-Kåñëa, under the guidance of Çré Rüpa Gosvämipäda and the best among his followers,

namely, Çréla Bhaktivinoda Öhäkura and Çréla Bhaktisiddhänta Sarasvaté Gosvämé. Kåñëa-prema is

their only goal and their only practice, or sädhana. There is no absence of affection or devotion in the

sädhana of the servants of the Gauòéya Maöha. Hence, they will never support any endeavour that is

unfavourable to the cultivation of affection for Çré Kåñëa.

What auspiciousness can a sädhana bring if itcan’t offer its practitioner any way to attain his cherished goal quickly, or if it can’t even offer him any certainty that he will realise his worshipable deity at all? This type of sädhana, when propagated, tends only to attract followers. For those content to pass

their lives without purpose or restriction, what use is there to accept the lotus feet of sad-guru, a transcendental teacher? But those who can see their own faults and anarthas, and who try to become free of them, develop an urge to become qualified to taste the bliss of prema for Bhagavän. Only they can remain in the shelter of saintly devotees endowed with this prema. They can experience the happiness of being engaged in service to Bhagavän by living under the guidance of such one-pointed devotees and following their instructions. This involves subduing their senses and abstaining from whimsical activities.

Those who make a show of accepting the shelter of the lotus feet of Çré Guru simply deceive themselves; they pretend to be self-controlled and reformed but internally maintain their previous bad

impressions, and especially the tendency to strive to gather followers. In other words, they recruit

followers on the pretext of accepting the shelter of Çré Guru, with the aim of fulfilling their selfish ends

through their so-called disciples. The attempts of such arrogant and duplicitous people to attain auspiciousness are endlessly frustrated.

To be a disciple means to be disciplined, or controlled. If a person outwardly accepts the shelter of

Çré Guru but arrogantly maintains the attitude that he knows best about his spiritual life, then he is but a cheater – deceiving both himself and others. Pure Gauòéya Vaiñëavas are most magnanimous and

bestow the highest auspiciousness. If we can become eligible to understand even a single aspect of their

exemplary lives we will become attached to sädhanabhajana and be filled with jubilation and devotion.

Bhakti Lies Beyond Renunciation

Those who possess kåñëa-prema are neither enjoyers nor renunciants. They are not karmés, fruitive

workers; neither are they jïänés, persons cultivating knowledge of the impersonal Brahman. Those who

perform activities opposed to scriptural injunctions honour karmés who abide by scriptural injunctions;

and when karmés who are eager to enjoy the results of their endeavours see the external renunciation of

jïänés and renunciants, they may be attracted to them. However, those who hanker for bhagavat-prema

disregard both of these paths. They are attracted only by behaviour that nurtures the cultivation of this prema.

Someone who is not aspiring for prema for Bhagavän will perceive only enjoyment or renunciation

in the behaviour of the devotees. If he takes shelter of them upon observing their external renunciation, he may for a while consider himself blessed to be in their company. Kåñëa-prema, however, cannot be attained by external renunciation. Unless one has faith grounded in philosophical truth (tattvika çraddhä), or has affection for the svarüpa of Çré Bhagavän, he cannot become attracted to the behaviour of Bhagavän’s devotees. The characteristic of such one-pointed devotees is that directly or

indirectly they only cultivate love for Çré Kåñëa:



änukülyena kåñëänu

çélanaà bhaktir-uttamä

Bhakti-rasämåta-sindhu (1.1.11)

“The cultivation of activities that are meant exclusively for the pleasure of Çré Kåñëa, or in other words

the uninterrupted flow of service to Çré Kåñëa, performed through all endeavours of the body, mind

and speech, and through the expression of various spiritual sentiments (bhävas), which is not covered

by jïäna (knowledge aimed at impersonal liberation) and karma (reward-seeking activity), and

which is devoid of all desires other than the aspiration to bring happiness to Çré Kåñëa, is called

uttama-bhakti, pure devotional service.”

One must deliberate upon this verse. The activities of a devotee of Kåñëa, such as establishing a maöha

(spiritual institution), constructing a temple, meeting with materialistic or aristocratic people, hosting

festivals with pomp and grandeur, and giving instructions to ignorant or faithless people, are all çuddha-bhakti. To serve Bhagavän and the devotees one may supervise the construction of a temple or the house of a devotee, collect materials, purchase supplies and accept the lowly propensity to beg. Such activities are supremely pleasurable and they nourish one’s bhakti.

What Is True Renunciation

kuñöhi-viprera ramaëé pativratä-çiromaëi

pati lägi’ kailä veçyära sevä

stambhila süryera gati jéyäila måta pati

tuñöa kaila mukhya tina-devä

Çré Caitanya-caritämåta (Antya-lélä 20.57)

“The wife of a brähmaëa suffering from leprosy showed herself to be the topmost of chaste women

by serving a prostitute to satisfy her husband. She thus halted the movement of the sun, brought her

dead husband back to life and satisfied the three principal demigods [Brahmä, Viñëu and Maheçvara].”

We should consider this account in the light of our discussion. That chaste brähmaëa wife’s service to

a lowly prostitute in the sincere endeavour to please her husband enhanced her glory. She thus became

worshipable for the entire world. What’s more, she became very dear to Çré Bhagavän. If, however, she

had performed this service for her own sense, pleasure, or for dharma, artha, käma or mokña, it

would have been reprehensible in every respect.

Similarly, activities such as constructing a maöha, meeting and talking with materialistic or aristocratic people, hosting grand festivals and bestowing the çré näma-mantra to faithful persons sincerely desiring to serve Çré Bhagavän, His devotees and His dhäma (all aspects of Vaikuëöha), enhance Bhakti and ultimately cause prema to appear. Those same activities, however, bind one to this material world if

they are performed with the aim of gratifying one’s senses; accumulating wealth, women and fame; or

attaining dharma, artha, käma or mokña.

In this world, renunciation means to relinquish the objects of one’s attachment. But can ceasing to

take foods that merely aggravate a disease, for instance, be considered renunciation? Abstaining

from foodstuffs that destroy good health and instead accepting foods that increase longevity can hardly be celebrated as a great act of renunciation. Thus, it is hard to see how the act of renouncing one’ father, mother, relatives, friends, wealth, occupation, business or worldly duties performed to gain material comforts, can in itself be glorious. Only when a person renounces the objects of his mundane

pleasure for the pleasure of the Complete Entity [Çré Bhagavän], expecting no sense enjoyment in

return, can his renunciation be considered actual renunciation. In other words, true renunciation

entails not striving for dharma, artha, käma or mokña, or for wealth, women and adoration.

Ordinarily, it is considered irreligious to forsake the duties the scriptures prescribe for one’s varëa and

äçrama; but if these duties are discarded for the pleasure and satisfaction of Çré Kåñëa, who is the cause

of all causes and the bestower of supreme bliss, then and only then is such renunciation honourable.

Indeed, such renunciation, which benefits everyone, is to be revered. To renounce endeavours for sense

gratification – that is, endeavours in one’s search for happiness in this world or in the next – is courageous and glorious. But the topmost renunciation is to abandon everything, even one’s independent will and desires, for the pleasure of Bhagavän Çré Kåñëa and His one-pointed devotees.

Renouncing the mind’s propensity for independence, in other words, the sacrifice of one’s very self, is far superior to renouncing that which is inert and temporary. The glory of one’s renunciation lies truly in the glory of the object of such sacrifice. Çré Bhagavän and His devotees who possess prema are unlimitedly glorious; and therefore to renounce for their pleasure is supremely noble. Such renunciation is incomparable because it increases the happiness of all living entities by reawakening their relationship with Çré Bhagavän. It does not admit even the slightest scent of distress. Rather, the renunciant feels increasingly happy at every step. It can therefore be concluded that such renunciation bestows bliss in every respect and is highly esteemed.

Fruitive workers, or karmés, make sacrifices and perform austerity with the hope of attaining increased mundane sense pleasure in the future. Such renunciation is therefore meagre and does not bestow complete happiness. Jïänés, who aspire for impersonal Brahman realisation, make sacrifices and

perform austerity to dispel their own suffering. Their renunciation, also, does not bestow full happiness.

The sacrifices and austerities of Kåñëa’s devotees, however, are meant exclusively for the pleasure of Çré Hari. Since Çré Kåñëa is the cause of all causes, such renunciation bestows true welfare upon the devotee

and upon others. Therefore Gauòéya Vaiñëavas greatly honour those activities that promote love of Bhagavän, and they reject activities that hinder it. In this sädhana any sense enjoyment and renunciation that is favourable to bhakti is highly regarded. Yet devotees are not attracted to sense enjoyment and renunciation in their own right. They are attracted to love for Bhagavän and His devotees. They have no independent or whimsical desire to enjoy or renounce. Yukta-vairägya, renunciation for the pleasure of Çré Kåñëa, is their only sädhana. Without understanding bhajana-rahasya, the secrets of bhajana, one will become bewildered by what sense enjoyment is and what renunciation is. Both are impediments in the sädhaka’s cultivation of prema for Bhagavän.

Don’t Waste a Moment

Those who have realised that this human life offers an invaluable opportunity to work towards attaining the supreme goal, prize every moment of it. They are unwilling to waste even an instant in any other endeavour. They know that living entities in other species of life do not have the facility or good fortune to make progress towards the supreme goal and, accordingly, they see no value in living their lives in the manner of the lower species. Hence, upon attaining this extremely rare human life and, on top of that, attaining the fortune to associate with sädhus and developing çraddhä for the supreme goal, they cannot quietly squander a single moment of their lives. Rather, they will accept only what is favourable to the cultivation of affection for Çré Kåñëa and will reject all activities that are unfavourable to it.

As such, the devotees of the Gauòéya Maöha instruct the world to engage only in those practices that are

righteous and favourable to the cultivation of kåñëaprema and to reject unrighteous activities that impede it. Moreover, they never indulge in violence or envy, as this hinders the cultivation of prema.

My Doubt Resolved

Thus, if I am genuinely searching for kåñëa-prema, I have not after all made any mistake in accepting the shelter of the lotus feet of pure Gauòéya Vaiñëavas. Such Vaiñëavas will not fuel our desire for dharma, artha, käma and mokña or our hankering for wealth, women and adoration. The purpose of the Maöha is to help free us from these anarthas and attain kåñëaprema. By taking shelter of the lotus feet of pure Gauòéya Vaiñëavas in the Gauòéya Maöha, beggars for kåñëa-prema become qualified to attain their greatest welfare. Moreover, they receive the opportunity to achieve the highest ideal of magnanimity and to ascend to the topmost level of pure vairägya, renunciation. This is my unshakable conviction. One cannot be deviated from attaining prema for Bhagavän in due course, unless one becomes a severe offender.

One day, by the mercy of Çréla Prabhupäda, the world will profusely glorify and worship the Çré Sarasvata Gauòéya Vaiñëavas [that is, Çréla Prabhupäda’s followers]. They alone are able to establish the highest ideal of benevolence in the world. Victory will certainly belong to the devotees of the Gauòéya Maöha, or those who have taken shelter of the lotus feet of Gauòéya Vaiñëavas. I have not, therefore, made a mistake in accepting the shelter of the lotus feet of pure Gauòéya Vaiñëavas. Rather, I have whole-heartedly embraced the good fortune of attaining my highest welfare, and thus I am truly blessed.

(Essay originally penned in 1966)
Translated from Sri Caitanya-vani
by the Rays of The Harmonist team.
Published in English for the first time in Rays of The Harmonist No. 14 Karttika 2004

About the Author

One of the shining luminaries of the Gaudiya sky, Srila Bhakti Dayita Madhava Gosvami

Maharaja was an initimate disciple of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada

who soon became renowned for his intense devotion, deep humility and brilliance in

spreading the mission of his divine master. Indeed, Srila Prabhupada used to refer to him

as “a preacher of volcanic energy.”

Srila Bhakti Dayinta Madhva Gosvami Maharaja appeared in this world in Karttika of l904,

On the disappearance day of Srila gaurakisora dasa Babaji Maharaja, in Kanchanpada,

Present-day Bangaladesh. He accepted the renounced order in 1944, and established

Sri Caitanya Gaudiya Matha in 1953, the current acarya of which is Srila Bhakti Vallabha

Tirtha Maharaja. One of his most significant contributions was to re-establish the appearance

Site of Srila Prabhupada in Sri Jagannatha Puri. This empowered personality, who was kind and

Magananimous to all, entered nitya-lila in 1979, on the disappearance day of Srila Jagannatha

Das Babaji Maharaja


By Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja

“I often received the opportunity to associate closely with our revered siksa-guru Srila Bhakti

Dayita Madhava Gosvami Maharaja. He was serene, tolerant, grace and endowed with many other

Qualities befitting a Vaisnava. He preached Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s message of Divine Love

Widely throughout India with great vigour. The special feature of his preaching was that he taught

Taught by personal example. He emphasized that we should be humbler than a blade of grass

And more forbearing that a tree, and that we should offer respect to everyone without ourselves

Desiring respect from others. His unique spiritual quality was that he hnoured all his Godbrothers.

This is truly ideal. If we can sincerely follow his teachings, our guru-puja will be successful.

From a speech delivered in Hindi on 17th November 2003

At Sri Caitanya Gaudiya Matha, Vrndavana, at Srila Bhakti

Dayita Mahdava Maharaja’s birth centennial celebration.


Remembering Srila Gurudeva

Qualities Of A Bonafide Guru by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj

                                                by Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Guravo bahabah santi sisyavittapaharakah
Durlabhah sadgururdevi, sisyasantapaharkah
Mahadeva's instruction to Parvati - 'There may be many so called gurus in this world to squeeze money from disciples, but a Bonafide Guru who can remove the drawbacks and sufferings of disciples is very rare'. If we want quality, we cannot get quantity. If we are keen to increase quantity, we shall have to sacrifice quality. Who is Bonafide Guru? What are the characteristics of a Bonafide Guru? Prabuddha Muni's instructions in regard to this -

tasmad gurum prapadyeta
jijnasuh sreya uttamam
sabde pare ca nisnatam
(SB 11 / 3 / 21)
"Therefore, enquire Gurudeva about the best eternal welfare with complete submission to Him. A Bonafide Guru is endowed with two special qualities: 1) He is well-versed in authentic scriptures and 2) has realisation of Divinity"
 sabde brahmani vede veda-tatparyya-jnapake sastrantare ca nisnatam nipunam, anyatha sisyasya samsaya-cchedabhave vaimanasya ca sati kasyacit sraddha-saithilyam api sambhavet. pare brahmani ca nisnatam aparoksanubhava-samartham, anyatha tat-kripa samyak phalavati na syat. para-brahma-nisnatatva-dyotakam aha, - upasam asrayam krodha-lobhady-avasibhutam

 Sreela Vishvanath Chakravarty in his commentary explained the characteristics of a Bonafide Guru. Gurudeva should be well-versed in the Vedas and other allied scriptures. An aspirant disciple cannot progress in his worship of God without taking shelter of a really qualified Bonafide Guru, who should have the capacity of removing the doubts of disciples by reasoning substantiated with evidence from authentic scriptures. If Gurudeva is incapable of removing the doubts of the disciple, the disciple's belief in Him may slacken. The second characteristic of Gurudeva is that He should have realisation of the Divinity. Only by theoretical knowledge of the scriptures, without having practical realisation, Spiritual Guide cannot give proper advice and direction in accordance to the eligibility of the disciple. By the instruction of a Guru possessing the quality of practical realisation, the disciple can have actual spiritual progress. It is to be considered here, a disciple can have the capacity to comprehend scriptural knowledge of Gurudeva by hearing from Him; but how can a disciple understand whether Gurudeva has got realisation of Divinity or not? Supreme Lord is Transcendental Reality, His Absolute Counterpart Gurudeva is also Transcendental. Therefore, a neophyte votary cannot understand Gurudeva's realisation of Divinity by his own endeavour.

 There are two aspects of Supreme Lord and His Absolute Counterpart Gurudeva - (1) morphological aspect and (2) ontological aspect. Conditioned souls can by their mind, intellect and sense-organs grasp the morphological, i.e. the external aspect of the thing - thing as it appears - and not the thing as it is. The thing as it is, can be realised only by the grace of Transcendental Realities, through unconditional complete surrender. As for example the self-luminous sun can only be known by it's own light and not by the help of other lights. We cannot see sun in the night with the help of other lights, but when sun rises, by accepting the grace of the sun-it's light- we can see the sun and all things of this world in the proper perspective. Supreme Lord and His Absolute Counterpart Gurudeva are self-effulgent. Sree Vishwanath Chakravarty Thakur, in his commentary, has given to the bonafide neophyte aspirants, a clue to recognise Guru by one external quality - a Bonafide Guru is not subdued by passions- anger, greed etc.

Of course, realised soul can use the passions for the service of Supreme Lord and for the eternal benefit of conditioned souls, but He can never be subjugated by them. Sree Narottam Thakur has advised us how the cardinal passions can be used for the service of Sree Krishna, except for malice -'Kama krisna-karam-arpane, krodha bhaktadvesijane, lobha sadhusange harikatha, moha ista-labhavine, mada krisnagungane niyukta kariba yatha tatha'. Kama - passion for fulfillment of desires should be diverted to desire to serve Krishna, 'anger' should be used against those who are hostile to devotees, 'greed' should be employed to increase the desire to hear Hari-Katha from a bonafide sadhu, 'infatuation' should be over not being able up till now to utilise the valuable time of this precious human birth for worship of Sree Krishna and 'madness' should be after singing the glories of Sree Krishna. Even Narada Goswami, out of compassion, used anger on the sons of Kuber- Nalkuber and Manigriva- to rescue them. According to Gita, the cause of anger is obstruction to fulfillment of one's desire. A real devotee cannot have any desire of his own except service of Sree Krishna. So, in a pure devotee, there cannot be any possibility of the origination of such anger due to hindrance to worldly desires.

It is essential for the votary to submit to Gurudeva wholeheartedly with words, mind, sense-organs and everything, for realisation of Divinity. Evidence-Mundaka Sruti:-

Pariksa lokan karma-citan brahmano
Nirvedamayannastyakritah kritena
tad-vijnanartham sa gurumevabhigacchet
samit-panih srotriyam brahma-nistham
(Mundaka Sruti 1 / 2 / 12)

 A brahmin should have the knowledge that the fruits of Karma are non-eternal and Eternal Reality cannot be attained by karma. As such a brahmin has no attachment to karma and therefore, he takes absolute shelter at the Lotus Feet of a Bonafide Guru. Two characteristics of Bonafide Guru are mentioned in Mundaka Sruti- 'Srotriyam' and 'Brahma-Nistham'. Interpretations of the word 'Srotriyam -(1) Well-versed in Sruti sastras - the Vedas and other allied scriptures and (2) blessed by the descent of the Divine knowledge through preceptorial channel.

Supreme Lord is Transcendental and beyond comprehension of human intellect, mind and sense-organs. He is 'Asamorddhva', i.e. there is no one equal to Him or more than Him. So, His grace is the only means of getting Him. At the beginning of creation, when Brahma originated from the navel of Supreme Lord, Supreme Lord imparted Divine knowledge to him out of compassion.
jnanam parama-guhyam me
yad vijnana-samanvitam
sarahasyam tad-angam ca
grihana gaditam maya
(SB 2. 9. 30)
'I tell you the most secret of all secrets for esoteric realisation of Divinity. Accept it and practice different forms of devotion to get the objective'.
Brahma, after realisation, imparted that Divine knowledge to Narada Goswami and Narada Goswami to Vyas Deva - in this way the knowledge of Divinity is extended through preceptorial channel or disciplic channel. Sree Amarartha Chandrika has interpreted the word 'Amnaya' as 'Sampradaya'. The etymological meaning of 'Sampradaya'is Divine Knowledge descending through bonafide preceptorial channel where sanctity of knowledge is correctly and completely retained. Nowadays due to prostitution of language, 'Sampradaya' is misinterpreted as 'sectarianism'.

sampradaya-vihina ye mantras te nisphala matah
sadhanaughair na sidhyanti, koti-kalpa-satair api
atah kalau bhavisyanti, catvarah sampradayainah
sri-brahma-rudra-sanaka, vaisnavah ksiti-pavanah
(Padma Purana)

All mantras without connection to 'Sampradaya', or not received through preceptorial channel, are fruitless. Practise of such mantras for millions and millions of years will be in vain. Therefore, four bonafide sampradayas in this Kaliyuga (black age)-- 'Shree' (Lakshmi), 'Brahma', 'Rudra' and 'Sanak'- have appeared to rescue the fallen souls. It is stated in 'Premeya Ratnavali', written by Sree Baladeva Vidyabhushan Prabhu that 'Shree', i.e. 'Lakshmi Devi' has accepted 'Ramanuja' (other names- Ramanandi or Ramait), Brahma has accepted Madhvacharya (another name- Madhvi), 'Rudra'-Visnuswami (other names- Vallabhacharya or Vallabhi) and 'Chatuhson' (other names- Sanak, Sanandan, Sanatan and Sanatkumar) -- Nimbaditya (other names- Nimat or Nimbarka or Nimanandi) as Acharyas of the respective sampradayas. "Sree 'Brahma' Sampradaya is the preceptorial channel of the devout devotees of Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. In conformity to this preceptorial channel, Sree Kavi Karnapur Goswami has determined 'Guru-Pranali' (succession of Gurus) in his own writing - Gaur-Ganadesha Dipika". Sree Baladeva Vidyabhushan, commentator of Vedanta-Sutra, has firmly corroborated this. Those who disown this Guru-Pranali, are considered to be the greatest foes against the verdict of Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's followers and personal associates.
Acceptance of the system of bonafide sampradaya is absolutely necessary. Therefore, from ancient times, this acceptance of the system of bonafide sampradaya is very acutely followed by sadhus. Those who have understood the significance of the teachings of the Vedas through preceptorial channel from Brahma, have accepted this perfect representation. Others, having diverted from this opinion, have become the slaves of various blasphemous atheistic views"

Sree Bhakti Vinod Vani Vaibhav Kavi Karnapur in his book Gaur-Ganadesh Dipika, has ascertained Guru Parampara (succession of Gurus) in this way :-

 tatra maddhavisampradayah prastavadatra likhyate parabrahmesvarasayasicchiyo jagatpatih

 Parampara (preceptorial channel):- Brahma is the disciple of the Lord of Transcendental Realm. From Brahma, gradual succession - Narada - Vyas Deva - Madhvacharya - Padmanabhacharya - Narahari - Madhava - Akshobhya - Jayatirtha - Jnanasindhu - Mahanidhi - Vidyanidhi - Rajendra - Jayadharma - Purushottama - Vyasatirtha - Lakshmipati - Madhavendrapuri - Ishvarapuri - Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.

Sreela Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Goswami Thakur in his 'anubhasya' (commentary) on Sree Chaitanya Charitamrita, remembers Guru Parampara from Sree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and prays their grace as follows:-

 mahaprabhu sri-caitanya, radha-krisna nahe anya,
rupanuga janera jivana
viswambhara priyankara, sri-swarupa damodara,
tara mitra rupa-sanatana,
rupa-priya mahajana, raghunatha bhaktadhana,
tara priya kavi krisnadasa,
krisnadasa-priya-bara, narottama seva-para,
jara pada viswanatha-asa,
bhaktaraja viswanatha, tahe sraddho jagannatha,
tara priya bhakativinoda,
maha-bhagavata-bara, sri-gaurakisora-bara,
hari-bhajanete ja'ra moda,
ei saba harijana, gaurangera nijajana,
tadera ucchiste yara kama,
sri-varsabhanavi-bara, sada sevya-seva-para,
tahara dayita-dasa-nama,
harijana-seva-asa, bhakti-vriddhi-abhilasa
pravaha-bhasyera anugata,
gaur-jana-sastra dekhi,' sei anusarya likhi,
'anubhasya' rupanuga mata

Srotriya, brahma-nishtha, mahabhagavat vaishnavs are 'Jagat Gurus' (Spiritual Guides of the whole world) for all time to come. By their remembrance, all objectives are attained. tamalkrishna@sreecgmath.org


Navadvipa Parikrama

                                         Sri Navadvipa Parikrama

sexta-feira, 24 de fevereiro de 2012

Galeria de Fotos de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu e seus associados

Sri Gaura-Purnima

Goura Goura Goura Hari!!!!

Jaya Sacinandana Jaya Gaura Hari!!!!!Goura Goura Goura Hari!!!!!!!

Feliz Goura Purnima para todos ,aguardando os cartazes e depois as fotos e videos para postar  de todos os templos  , haribol,

esta pagina vou tentar organizar  as postagens sobre Sri Goura Purnima e  sastras relativos , eu vou postando com o tempo , vou organizar , haribol !  (tentativa) (tentar e bhakti)

                                                     Sri Gaura-Purnima

Sri Vrindavan Dhama

Jay Jay Sri Radhe ! Goura !

Vrindavan, the Wondrous Land of  Sri Radhe and Krishna!

"In Vrindavan the effulgent ground is fashioned with many very wonderful colorful cintamani jewels. The trees and vines are full of blissful spiritual fruits and flowers. Birds make a great tumult by reciting the hymns of the Sama Veda, and the lakes and streams are filled with transcendental nectar." Vrindavana Mahimamrita

Because Vrndavana is the eternal and entirely spiritual abode of the Lord, it is nondifferent from Him. At Vrndavana, one will find unlimited wealth, strength, fame, wisdom, beauty and renunciation—all the six opulences possessed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Bhagavan Sri Krishna. Indeed Vrndavana is Krsna, and, to go there is to perceive God Himself.

                                             Sri Vrindavan Dhama

                                                     Jaya Gurudeva Gurudeva Tumari Jay Jay Ho !

Sriman Kishori Mohan & Sudevi Dasi Hari Katha in Brasil

Jaya Srila Gurudeva !

Muito Especial esta aula de hoje!

Video streaming by Ustream

Vida Simples Pensamento Elevado

Jaya Srila Prabhupada  ! Krsna Balarama Ki Jay! Jaya Srila Gurudeva !Haribol ! Hare Krsna Os devotos de Krsna Ki Jay!Lindos!

“Se você considera-se devedor para comigo”, Srila Prabhupada disse, “então você deve pregar vigorosamente tal como eu. Este é a forma correta de retribuir-me.

É um fato de que ninguém pode pagar o seu débito para com o mestre espiritual, mas o mestre espiritual fica muito satisfeito com essa atitude do discípulo pregar”.

bem vindos  , este e um grupo de estudos didaticos , frases  curtas , instruções de srila prabhupadanectarias .

Srila Prabhupada

Canções Vaishnavas face book page

 Nitai Nitai Nitai Gouranga Nitai Nitai Nitai Gouranga !!!!
nitai he goura he nitai goura heee nitai goura haribol haribol haribol nitai goura haribol !
                                                 Canções Vaishnavas

Purificando o Planeta


Quando conheci os devotos no templo tinham os bhaktas ou devotos que queriam entrar no caminho da devoção a para isto tinham que lavar panelas....anotar e fazer perguntas mostrar interesse esperei de 1999 até 2003 para receber hari nama e eu era o Bhakta Adidas pois trabalhava na adidas.........mas hoje em dia se tiver um pedreiro no templo fazendo obra recebe iniciação..........é misericordia entendo mas ele precisa saber que foi iniciado pelo menos.......


observação do blog ,,,

 Hare Krsna !

As iniciações baratas  ja foi denunciado as autoridades  na Índia ,,,sendo denunciados no Conselho Administrativo de Saniases de Srila Gurudeva Sua Santidade Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja.

Os membros deste grupo de saniase estabeleceram  as normas tradicionais  para  Hari Nama iniciações vaishnavas, o devoto  bhakta com desejo de receber hari nama  iniciação deve estar no minimo  6 meses  cantando japa  e  fazendo as praticas  tradicionais ,  no minimo 6 meses .
No Brasil não estão indo seguir  estas  normas legais e tradicionais  estabelecidas por autoridades na India.

Uma observação , o devoto acima postou estas escritas no face book , eu colei  e estou a partilhar com todos , este devoto esteve em quase todos os ultimos festivais e esta revelando a mente de forma digna .

                                 Hare Krsna !Jaya Srila Gurudeva Jaya Srila Prabhupada !Haribol !

quinta-feira, 23 de fevereiro de 2012

Sri Guru Tattva

Hare Krishna ! Dandavats !

Este  é  mais uma tentativa de estudar e compartilhar  as escrituras sagradas ,  é um novo blog de  estudos especiais sobre  sri guru , esta em construção , mas ja esta muito especial , espero que voces gostem , hare krsna !

                                                        Sri Guru Tattva

Na foto , Bv Suddhadvaiti Swami  perito em Sri Guru Tattva  seu Diksa Guru é AC Bhaktivedanta Swami, Gaura Govinda maharaj era seu irmão espiritual o qual ele aceitou humildemente como Siksa guru, Srila Gaura Govinda Kijaya, Sripad V Svdadvaiti Maharaj Ki Jaya, Srila Gururdeva Ki Jaya!

 Jaya Srila Gurudeva Jaya Jaya Srila Prabhupada,Srila Gaura Govinda Gosvami Ki JaySri GuruTattva Ki Jay!

Sri Navadvipa Ki Jay Sri Gaura Purnima Ki Jay!

Sriman Kishori Mohan & Sudevi Dasi in Rio de Janeiro 2012

Festival com Kishori Mohan Prabhu e Sudevi didi de 28/02 a 02/03 na Sri Gauravani Gaudiya Matha. Mantras, bhajans e doce hari-katha! Entrada gratuita. JAYA SRILA GURUDEVA!




 site official

 Music of Yoga | Immerse Yourself in a Journey to Your Soul

Retiro Espiritual em Nova Gokula Serra da Mantiqueira

Lokasaksi Dasa.

Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare

 Informações no site: www.novagokula.com.br

Ou com Mahanta Devi Dasi: (12) 8157 2924,

 email:   mahanta@novagokula.com.br

                                         Jaya Srila Radha GokulaNanda  Jaya Srila Prabhupada

Sri Gaura Purnima 2012 Pure Bhakti Argentina

seva by 

Radhika Dasi

Pure Bhakti Argentina.

Sri Goura Purnima Invitation 2012



Sri Navadvipa Mandala Parikrama


Sri Gaura-Purnima 2012 Ki Jay!

Goura Goura Goura Hari!

pagina especial no face book

Sri Gaura-Purnima

quarta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2012

Presentes Inigualáveis News

                                           Presentes Inigualáveis

Srila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji Maharaja Ki Jay!

 Hare Krsna !

Presto minhas mais humildes reverencias aos Vaishnavas que são como arvore de desejos sendo ocenos de misericórdia e salvador dos caidos.

terça-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2012


"Existe apenas uma religião. Essa religião é natural. E essa religião natural é amor e afeição a Deus e a todos.

Até mesmo um cachorro, um leão, um urso, ou um tigre têm amor por suas esposas e filhos.

Ainda que eles talvez comam carne de outrem, eles têm amor por suas famílias. Amar é natural a todos."

Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaj.

INICIAÇÃO KANISTHA - The result will be nothing


Srila Gurudeva: The result will be nothing.

Srila Gurudeva: If he does this, what is there to say? Many kanisthas are doing this.

Sripad Asrama Maharaja: Somebody may say that because in some societies there are no high-class Vaisnavas, there is a need for kanisthas to give initiation.

Srila Gurudeva: In fact, even those who haven’t reached the level of kanistha-adhikari – those with no adhikari at all – are giving ‘initiation.’

Sripad Sudhadvaiti Maharaja: So, the fruit is not bhakti?

Srila Gurudeva: Millions of persons are doing this. Those with nothing, not even the qualification of kanistha, are doing this, and nothing can be done about it.

Sripad Sudadvaiti Maharaja: But will the fruit of this initiation be bhakti, or sukrti only? The disciples will not get bhakti; is this correct?

Srila Gurudeva: The result will be nothing.

                                                               Jaya Srila Gurudeva !

Qual é o valor das iniciações dada por Sripad BV Vana Maharaja ???



harinama initiation, the minimum requirement is that the candidate has given up meat-eating and intoxication for the six month period and agrees to follow the regulative principles of Bhakti.


For diksa initiation, the devotee should have been chanting 16 rounds for a period of 6 months and following all the regulative principles for that time. 8


International Sannyasa Council Meetings - Kartika 2011

In the last year there have been some complaints that gurus are initiating new people without any examination or recommendation, some even the first time they have come into the association of devotees. This may be true in some cases.


However, it was explained by Sripad Vana Maharaja and others, that they often give neem japa beads and a spiritual name to newcomers, without any pre-qualification. This is to encourage them to take up chanting and to aspire for actual hari-nama initiation later. It was acknowledged that this practice has resulted in confusion as some devotees think that an initiation has taken place. It was agreed that a clear explanation be given if this practice is continued.



Who is qualified to give initiation within the Society

segue uma outra  tradução ,  foi dito que a tradução de baladeva brahmacari estava tendenciosa

esta postagemfoi  feita no face book 

============================  segue outra  tradução o devoto não deseja ter seu nome exposto

iniciação em harinama, o mínimo requerido é que o candidato tenha desistido de comer carne
e de intoxicar-se por um período e concordado em seguir os princípios regulativos de Bhakti

Iniciação diksha, o devoto deve estar cantando 16 voltas por um período de 6 meses e deve estar seguindo todos os princípios regulativos durante este tempo.

Reunião Internacional do Conselho de Sannyasa - Kartika 2011

No ano passado houveram algumas queixas sobre os gurus que estão iniciando pessoas novas sem nenhum exame ou recomendação, alguns até mesmo na primeira vez que tiveram associação dos devotos.Isso pode ser verdade em alguns casos

No entanto, foi explanado por Sripad Vana Maharaj e outros, que eles apenas dá japa de neem e um nome espiritual para os recém chegados sem nenhuma pré-qualificação.
Isso é para encoraja-los a seguir cantando e aspirando ao verdadeiro harinama mais tarde. 
Foi reconhecido que esta pratica resultou em confusão, pois alguns devotos pensam que ocorreu uma iniciação.
Foi concordado que uma explanação clara deve ser dada se essa prática continuar.


Fontes de conferencias e vejam tambem os comentarios

 Observação do Blog  ==

Hare Krsna !Dandavats !

 Esta noticia é nova  , realmente tem  varios devotos tentando  saber qual é a verdade , muitos  se sentem  coagidos a  fazer perguntas , de fato  é muito desagradavel .

Srila Gurudeva saiu do corpo no dia 29 de  dezembro de 2010 , menos de uma semana  Sripad BV Vana Maharaja ja estava dando iniciações , ja estava aceitando discipulos , ja estava sendo chamado de gurudeva.

Antes de Srla Gurudeva sair do corpo , alguns devotos no Brasil chamavam publicamente Sripad BV Vana Maharaja de guru , meu gurinho  , sempre houve  a ideia dos devotos que  tomam a frente de o transformar em acaryas , antes mesmo  de Srila Gurudeva sair do corpo ja se  podia ler em recados  destes mesmo devotos  falando desta forma dele ser o acarya  , alguns bhaktas  devotinhos novos  tambem postava   em suas paginas  chamando o  de siksha  guru , sendo que  o nosso guru estava no planeta , nada  nunca foi  instruido de maneira certa e em favor de Srla Gurudeva .

Houve devotos que foram ate Srila Gurudeva  comunicar  e pedir as benções  para  ter Sripad BV Vana Maharaja de  siksha guru , sendo isto ofensivo a Srila Gurudeva uma vez que ele é guruji e siksha guru tambem , mas a instrução  que todos nos recebemos nestes 10 anos foi mesmo de adoração ao sadhu , os devotos novos  sempre tiveram esta influencia .

Srila Gurudeva  aparece  falando sobre isto , ele estava  sim descontente com esta  situação e fala e responde bravo a um devotinho , inclusive brasileiro .
Apartir do momento que Sripad BV Vana  Maharaja se auto intitula guru, alguns devotos  tambem ficaram divididos , uns  não aceitaram e sairam fora ,outros aceitam, outros fingem que aceitam , outros aceitam porque são tambem eles paparicados e  recebem prestigios.
A  verdade é que mesmo ja havendo muitas  suposições e fala  fala de devotos que Sripad  BV Vana Maharaja ja estava dando iniciações  com Srila Gurudeva  no planeta , o que ficamos sabendo apartir de
Bv Suddhadvaiti Swami  saniase senior ,que logo viajou  ao Brasil , ele nos contou  que apos Srila Gurudeva  deixar o corpo que  todos em Índia estavam muito  chocados  e  sem mente para  decidir alguma coisa , que então  existe  um email especial   um grupo via email  so entre os saniases, uma comunicação centrada entre eles , entre os sanises ficou decidido  e compartilhado com todos  atravez deste grupo, e aceito  entre eles esta decisão  que somente apos  Goura Purnima  que eles todos iam se encontrar e iam ter uma reunião onde iam decidir  o que fazer, que ate esta reunião que foi no mes de março ninguem ia dar iniciações.

 Nesta ocasião estavamos no fim de janeiro de 2011 para o mes de fevereiro DE 2011, Bv Suddhadvaiti Swami  nos  explicou ainda que Srila Gurudeva  havia deixado instruções  para que todos  seus saniases começassem a dar  hari nama  ainda com ele no planeta  afim de Srila Gurudeva ja começar a administrar , porem  que ninguem , nenhum saniase  se atreveu  a  iniciar em respeito a Srila Gurudeva ,  ele disse tambem que a unica regra para  começar a dar  iniciações  era  se sentir qualificado  e que esta questão pegou a todos pois  ninguem entre eles se sentia  qualificados  para ser guru , para dar  hari nama  iniciar  que devido a esta  questão nenhum deles se tornou guru e nenhum deles  aceitou discipulos .

Nos meses de janeiro , fevereiros de  2011 aconteceram varios  hari nama,iniciações , algumas  com cerimonias de fogo , aconteceram  iniciações de diksha mantra ( gayatri ) estas  iniciações de  diksha  foi ocultadas , foram feitas meio que as escondidas com o argumento de que estas devotas (o) estavam indo morar do templo e iam ajudar  no seva a thakuraji  .

 Apos a passagem de Bv Suddhadvaiti Swami pelo Brasil , ele sofreu ataque publicos em face book  de  devotas (os)  que  estavam a defender Sripad Bv Vana Maharaja , estas  fofocas  como ficaram conhecidas  pelo facebook  criou um clima ruim entre eles , Sripad BV Vana Maharaja  postou em seu  facebook  que =  VOCE PODE PREGAR  GURU TATTVA SEM JOGAR LAMA EM OUTROS, isto foi muito ofensivo  porque  Bv Suddhadvaiti Swami é superior  á Sripad BV Vana Maharaja sendo um saniase senior, considerado o mais eruditos entre todos os saniases de Srila Gurudeva, especializado em  Sri Guru Tattva  Sastra .

Motivado por  falatorios entre os devotos que aceitavam  o sadhu de guru e devotos que não aceitavam  a culpa  caiu em Bv Suddhadvaiti Swami começaram a dizer que ele havia  iniciado esta questão , mas esta questão de NÃO ACEITAR O SADHU  COMO GURU  ja  estava  sendo  comentado desde de o dia 31 de dezembro de 2010  que segundo sabemos foi neste dia que  se passou a  cerimonia de  iniciação ,ainda com o corpo de Srila Gurudeva  em preparativos de samadhi  estava ainda no planeta fora do corpo .

 Segundo sei esta 1 festa de iniciação aconteceu no Rio de Janeiro  no Templo de  Sri Gauravani  Gaudiya Math e depois seguiu se para Santos e SP , ocorrendo as iniciações , ao que pude acompanhar estas iniciações  não parou , e  alguns receberam  kanti  de tulasi , outros  tiveram cerimonias de fogo .

 Este documento  esta circulando  nos grupos e em templos do mundo todo , os devotos que foram iniciados  não tem certeza alguma se tem validade ou se vai haver uma cerimonia  de iniciação ainda .

A questão de aceitar o sadhu como guru ainda  divide a sanga , a maioria   esta a favor dando cobertura  completa  aceitando , a minoria se afastou , o abandonou , indignados .

 Lavagem celebral  esta sendo feita nos que dão ouvido  nas aulas on line e  aulas  nos templos , estas últimas aulas , estes dizerem de  entradas  estão cheios de politicas e de desejos de santificar  o sadhu   vindo de previlegiados por Sripad BV Vana Maharaja  por ficar glorificando ele .

As aulas on line a cada  10 palavras 5  vem o nome do sadhu , todas as glorias esta sendo destinadas a ele , ele recebe tudo claro  e esta mesmo acreditando ser guru ,  esta tudo muito natural , esta sendo glorificado na mesma plataforma que Srila Prabhupada Srila Gurudeva e esta semana ao pregar sobre  Sri Navadvipa o  devoto foi  claro em dizer que Sripad BV Vana Maharaja esta levando os devotos a Sri Navadvipa  e o falou desta forma fazendo uma comparação com Srila Jiva Gosvami, esta lavagem celebral vem sendo observada   a algum tempo dentro destas aulas , esta bem no sutil .

O que manda a tradição , a tradição ensina  por exemplo de vida  que  antes de ser guru Srila Gurudeva esperou mas de 40 anos , Srila Prabhupada tambem  esperou muitos anos para aceitar discipulos , os santos  todos  a historia de vida deles é que esta coisa de aceitar discipulos , eles não queriam seguidores , ser famosos  , ter fama e  sucesso . eles todos os santos eram contra  se tornarem eles mesmo guru .

A tradição ensina que  os mais elevados , os mais  puros , os  devotos mais intimos dos santos , os que são mais velhos , os que chegaram pra servir eles podem se tornar guru , mestres espirituais , isto e uma tradição sagrada  divina  sri guru parampara  , sri guru varga , sagrada sucessão discipular , os mais puros  eles tem o direito  de se decidir a ser guruji , cabe a sociedade de devotos a congregação  fazer indicações  aos devotos novos   para estes devotos antigos e mais  qualificados , estes são exemplos  de  como isto funciona  sem nenhuma lei exata ,  sem nada  de documentos e imposição , apenas e assim os mais velhos são mais qualificados para se tornarem guru 1°.

Sripad BV Vana Maharaja é um  saniase junior, significa que na frente dele tem varios outros devotos  com direito espiritual de ser guru , significa  que na qualidade de um devoto elevado ele devia indicar  estes outros devotos elevados  seniores intimos de Srila Gurudeva a serem eles o guru ,foi assim com Srila Gurudeva ele deixou seus dois irmãos  mais velhos servirem  e so apos ele se tornou mestre ,  e desta forma que as escrituras  falam com agente , os santos relatam exatamente assim  que eles  não se sentem puros e então eles fazem inicações de outros mais elevados  e foi assim sempre, agora esta sendo quebrado isto na Gaudiya Math  com esta postura de Sripad BV Vana maharaja dando iniciações , ele e querido mas  poxa  na frente dele existe  VARIOS OUTROS DEVOTOS(a)  estes devotos elevados  não estão indo aceitar discipulos agora , eles ainda estão chocados  sem  Srila Gurudeva no planeta , se pode ver estes devotos abatidos  em cada festivais  que temos visto as fotos , esta tudo ainda muito dolorido para eles  eles não estão em festa , nem estão pensando em discipulos , agora toda disposição esta para fazer o samadhi e cuidar das coisa de Srila Gurudeva .

É triste aceitar esta situação imposta pela sanga brasil em ter de aceitar  um outro sendo chamado de gurudeva e sendo glorificado  , sendo pintado  e todo esta paparicação  e o sadhu aceitando a condição de guru , por isto achei importante  expor  , publicar  esta situação , com estas palavras ,  não ha nenhuma satisfação de templos ,nenhum  comunicado  para os iniciados ,  falando a este respeito ,  o que temos  e a fala do sadhu Sripad BV Vana Maharaja   aos seus superiores , aos devotos os quais ele deve  respeito e obdiencia  os seniores de Srila Gurudeva  ele esta dizendo que não teve valor , foi so  um apoio , uma entrega de japa de neem , que não é hari nama , não é iniciação , isto ele falou aos seus superiores ,  agora a  situação esta assim o dito pelo não dito o feito pelo não feito  e   não se pode falar  no assunto que falam ser aparadha , não se pode questionar , porque os que jaforam questionar ja sentiram  o afastamento de alguns ,  a instrução de alguns e para ficar em silencio curtir os festivais e fingir que nada esta acontecendo  , as iniciações em 2012 segue a todo vapor , em cada local mais gente sem preparo  vindo  tomar iniciação ,

 Outra questão  e o Santo  Daime rola solto e esta legalizado entre eles  com o acordo de Sripad BV Vana Maharaja  , os discipulos dele  tomam numa boa , não se fala mas nada neste assunto mas a grande maioria toma numa boa assumidamente , alguns em face book ate publicam fotos das capelas e sessões sem nenhuma mental  e ainda compartilham entre si as imagens , sem pensar que no Hare Krsna , o Daime e considerado  intoxicação, eles partilham assim como se fosse  uma coisa super normal. como se fosse autorizado , o sadhu tambem tem acesso aos albuns e pode ver isto as fotos do Daime, e muito estranho porque e contra Srila Gurudeva instruções ,

Espero ter esclarecido muitas coisas, contar isto aqui no blog tambem  e uma desabafo e tanto , desde de a partida de Srila Gurudeva não concordo com isto , ja tentaram me enganar a me fazer gostar  ja ate tive um momento meio estranho com o sadhu e pedi desculpas por causa dos devotos mas  com o passar  do tempo  as coisas estão mas limpas mais claras  sem nenhuma afinidade com ele  , nenhuma alegria  com tudo que esta indo acontecer mesmo que  são coisas bonitas , festivais bonitos , templos e devotinhos  mas esta condição de guru  e um preço alto demais  .

                  segue um video de Srila Gurudeva , muito bravo  e descontente com esta situação 

com sentimento de alivio e de missão cumprida , minha condição espiritual mais leve.

Todas as glorias aos devotos puros , todas as glorias aos santos acaryas  devotos renunciados de fama  , prestigio e  poder !

Hare Krsna Jaya Srila Gurudeva , minhas reverencias a todos os devotos  do Senhor Krishna Haribol !

Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Goswami Maharaja 3° Vraja Vijaya Mahotsava

Srila Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Goswami Maharaja

Vaisnava Calendar 2012

21 Feb 2012

Amavasya, K, 05:58 , Dhanista

+Break fast 05:58 - 10:13 (Daylight savings not considered)

22 Feb 2012

Pratipat, G, 05:58 , Satabhisa

+Srila Jagannatha Dasa Babaji ~ Disappearance

+Sri Rasikananda ~ Disappearance
23 Feb 2012

Dvitiya, G, 05:59 , P.Bhadra
24 Feb 2012

Tritiya, G, 05:60 , U.Bhadra
25 Feb 2012

Caturthi, G, 06:00 , Revati
26 Feb 2012

Pancami, G, 06:01 , Asvini
27 Feb 2012

Sasti, G, 06:01 , Bharani
28 Feb 2012

Sasti, G, 06:02 , Krittika
29 Feb 2012

Saptami, G, 06:02 , Krittika

Sudevi Dasi e Sriman Kishore Mohan In Brasil 2012

segunda-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2012

domingo, 19 de fevereiro de 2012


 Shivaratri 2012 date is Monday, 20 February. Shivaratri celebrated on the fourteenth of the lunar month Phalguna.
Shiva Shambo
“O Festival da Noite de Shiva (Shivaratri) é o dia em que Maheshvara toma a forma de Lingam para o benefício dos buscadores espirituais.


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Jornal Hare Krsna Brasil é licenciado Licença Creative Commons
Ao copiar qualquer artigo por gentileza mencionar o link o credito do autor .