haribol, bem vindos , por favor adicionar
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sábado, 25 de junho de 2011
The Origin of Ratha-Yatra
Jaya Srila Gurudeva !
1 The Appearance Of Lord Jagannatha
2 The Second Reason For Lord Jagannatha's Appearance
3 The Third History
4 Gundica Mandira Marjana
5 The Meeting at Kuruksetra
6 Krsna Meets the Gopis
7 Hera-pancami
Jaya Jagannatha !
sexta-feira, 24 de junho de 2011
Grande Festival Hare Krishna em Penedo
Anuvilas Manjari Pascoal
A Gopika didi uma ex Gurukuli está vindo liderar os bhajans uma grande cantora da sanga ela também irá trazer um projeto .a Tirtha ira traduzir as aulas ao vivo ! Prasada junina e fogueira no quintal, Devotos que vierem trazer seus instrumentos vamos realizar um grande Harinama com distribuição de mahaprasada de Giridhari e Radha Govinda no Domingo de ekadasi. Venha todos!!!!! dandavats !!! Jaya syamarani no Brasil!!
A Gopika didi uma ex Gurukuli está vindo liderar os bhajans uma grande cantora da sanga ela também irá trazer um projeto .a Tirtha ira traduzir as aulas ao vivo ! Prasada junina e fogueira no quintal, Devotos que vierem trazer seus instrumentos vamos realizar um grande Harinama com distribuição de mahaprasada de Giridhari e Radha Govinda no Domingo de ekadasi. Venha todos!!!!! dandavats !!! Jaya syamarani no Brasil!!
Birmingham Festival of Harikatha
Birmingham Festival of Harikatha 24-27 June 2011 (arrive 23)
Click here to Subscribe to our daily Email service — the best way to stay up-to-date!
Posted on 21 June 2011.
Organised by members of the UK sanga in conjunction with the Bhakti Yoga Society (Bhakti Projects UK) reg. charity no: 1122503
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!
All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!
Por BhaktiBallabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj ·
JAGANNATH PURI: Divine Harikatha by His Divine Grace Bhakti Vigyan Bharati Goswami Maharaj at Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math, Grand Road, Puri, everyday.
26 June - 12 July
8pm to 9pm
Webcast: www.anymeeting.com/onlinemath1
KNOW THE VENUE: The venue in itself is quite Transcendental. It is the Birth Place of Jagadguru Srila Bhakti Siddhanth Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupada i.e. the home of The Seventh Goswami- Srila Saccidanand Bhakti Vinode Thakur. So don't miss this rare opportunity to hear Pure Harikatha from a Pure devotee at such rare time and place.
NOTE: Devotees coming in from overseas for the Rath Yatra at Puri may kindly contact His Divine Grace's personal sewak - HH Bhakti Kinkar Damodar Maharaj(Mob: 09258058941) for Darshan and Harikatha timings during the Rath Yatra Festival.
JAGANNATH PURI: Divine Harikatha by His Divine Grace Bhakti Vigyan Bharati Goswami Maharaj at Sree Chaitanya Gaudiya Math, Grand Road, Puri, everyday.
26 June - 12 July
8pm to 9pm
Webcast: www.anymeeting.com/onlinem
KNOW THE VENUE: The venue in itself is quite Transcendental. It is the Birth Place of Jagadguru Srila Bhakti Siddhanth Saraswati Goswami Thakur Prabhupada i.e. the home of The Seventh Goswami- Srila Saccidanand Bhakti Vinode Thakur. So don't miss this rare opportunity to hear Pure Harikatha from a Pure devotee at such rare time and place.
NOTE: Devotees coming in from overseas for the Rath Yatra at Puri may kindly contact His Divine Grace's personal sewak - HH Bhakti Kinkar Damodar Maharaj(Mob: 09258058941) for Darshan and Harikatha timings during the Rath Yatra Festival.
Sadhu -Sanga
Sri Sadhu Sanga Ki Jay!!! Srila Gurudeva Ki Jay!!! ♥ Jay Jay Sri Radhee!!!
Las Escrituras vedicas Declaran
yasya yat sangatih pumso
manivat syat sa tad-gunah
sva-kularddhyaitato dhiman
sva-yuthany eva samsrayet.
"Igual que un brillante o un cristal reflejan el color del objeto con el que están en contacto, la persona desarrolla cualidadessegún la compañía que frecuenta."
Srila Gurudev Ki Jay!!!! ♥
De: Ananda Das
Vaisnava é Superior a Sastra by Srila Sridhara Gosvami Maharaja
Aspirando servir a Guru e Vaisnavas, Haribol! Santos Acaryas Ki Jay!Devotos Queridos !
Na prática, temos que entrar em contato com o serviço a um Vaisnava. Mas onde, quem servir? Não posso entrar em contato direto com Ele. Quem posso servir? A forma do Senhor como Deidade, o vigraha está aí, o sastra está aí; mas essas coisas são superficiais num sentido. Encontramos a substância real em um Vaisnava, em seu coração. Dharmasya tattvam nihitam guhayam. O conceito de Krsna, Krsna como Ele é, conhecimento e amor, nós encontramos ao vivo dentro do coração de um Vaisnava que direciona todas atividades para Ele, para Seu serviço.
No Vaisnava, a verdade está mais animada do que no vigraha (Deidade), no tirtha (lugar sagrado de peregrinação) ou no sastra (escritura). Nós encontramos uma conexão direta com Krsna na consciência de um Vaisnava. Nós encontramos o que regula todas suas atividades e o que o tira da atração mundana, e assim o guia em direção a algum destino desconhecido e o mais desejável. O Senhor o faz mover-se em uma direção específica que não pode ser traçada por nenhuma perda ou ganho deste mundo. O que é isso? "Eu estou aí. Não estou nem mesmo em Vaikuntha, nem nos corações dos yogis. Mas onde Meus devotos cantam com prazer sobre Mim, lá que Eu estou". (Mac citta mad gata prana bodhayantah parasparam kathayantas ca mam nityam tusyanti ca ramanti ca). "Os pensamentos de Meus devotos puros habitam em Mim, suas vidas estão plenamente absortas em Meu serviço, e eles sentem grande satisfação e bem-aventurança sempre a se iluminarem reciprocamente e conversarem sobre Mim" (Gita 10.9).
Jamais abandonarei o Cantar dos Santos Nomes
Hari das Thakura;
Mesmo que meu corpo seja cortado em mil pedaços, enquanto houver ar vital nele
Jamais abandonarei o cantar dos Santos Nomes!
Mesmo que meu corpo seja cortado em mil pedaços, enquanto houver ar vital nele
Jamais abandonarei o cantar dos Santos Nomes!
quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2011
Pregarei Dharma ao Mundo
Shri Cheitanya Mahaprabhu disse
“Eu assumirei o estado mental de um bhakta e assim fazendo, pregarei dharma ao mundo.
Yadyapi amara guru – caitanyera dasa
Tathapi janiye ami tanhara prakasa
Embora saiba que meu mestre espiritual é um servo de Sri Chaitanya, também sei que ele é a manifestação direta do Senhor.
(Cc. Adi. 1.44)
“Eu assumirei o estado mental de um bhakta e assim fazendo, pregarei dharma ao mundo.
Yadyapi amara guru – caitanyera dasa
Tathapi janiye ami tanhara prakasa
Embora saiba que meu mestre espiritual é um servo de Sri Chaitanya, também sei que ele é a manifestação direta do Senhor.
(Cc. Adi. 1.44)
Nectar of Govinda-lila
Por Rob Elings ·
Proposed cover design for Nectar of Govinda-lila in Dutch
Radhe Shyam! Jaya Srila Gurudeva!Dandavats!
Stupid Theories
Jay Sri Radha Ramana Thakuraji!
Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami
No matters how genuine you're with your work, some people have stupid theories to describe your work scrap. Stay tuned with your work and ask god to give them intelligence. :)
tradução =
Não importa quão genuínos você está com o seu trabalho, algumas pessoas têm teorias idiotas para descrever seu trabalho. Fique atento com seu trabalho e pedir a Deus para dar-lhes inteligência. :)
Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami Ki Jay!
Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami
No matters how genuine you're with your work, some people have stupid theories to describe your work scrap. Stay tuned with your work and ask god to give them intelligence. :)
tradução =
Não importa quão genuínos você está com o seu trabalho, algumas pessoas têm teorias idiotas para descrever seu trabalho. Fique atento com seu trabalho e pedir a Deus para dar-lhes inteligência. :)
Vaisnavacharya Chandan Goswami Ki Jay!
Ratha Yatra Madri 2011 Discipulos de Srila Prabhupada
Por Rathayatra Madrid Dosmilonce
Haribol, queridos Devotos y Devotas!!!!
Nuestras reverencias. Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupad. Ki!!!
Se ha hecho esperar... pero por fin podemos presentaros la Programación Definitiva de los actos y actividades a celebrar el próximo sábado, 25 de Junio, en el Festival y Desfile de las Carrozas "Ratha Yatra Madrid 2011".
Nuestras disculpas por el retraso.
Operación "8.000 Bolitas de Coco"
Taller Adornos INDIAN STYLE
Operación "8.000 Bolitas de Coco"
Vuestros sirvientes,
Comisión Ratha Yatra Madrid 2011
Jay Jagannatha!!!! Jay Baladeva!!!! Jay Subhadra!!!!
Haribol, queridos Devotos y Devotas!!!!
Nuestras reverencias. Todas las Glorias a Srila Prabhupad. Ki!!!
Se ha hecho esperar... pero por fin podemos presentaros la Programación Definitiva de los actos y actividades a celebrar el próximo sábado, 25 de Junio, en el Festival y Desfile de las Carrozas "Ratha Yatra Madrid 2011".
Nuestras disculpas por el retraso.
Operación "8.000 Bolitas de Coco"
Taller Adornos INDIAN STYLE
Operación "8.000 Bolitas de Coco"
Vuestros sirvientes,
Comisión Ratha Yatra Madrid 2011
Jay Jagannatha!!!! Jay Baladeva!!!! Jay Subhadra!!!!
Conhecimento Transcendental
No Bhagavad-gita, Sri Krishna ordena:
“Tenta aprender a verdade aproximando-te de um mestre espiritual. Faze-lhe perguntas com submissão e presta-lhe serviço.
As almas auto-realizadas te podem transmitir conhecimento porque viram a verdade” (Bhagavad-gita, Cap. 4, verso 34).
O Mukunda Upanishad (1.2.12) declara que um estudante sincero tem que chegar a um guru ideal para receber conhecimento transcendental e esclarecimento.
Sri Krishna diz: “Essa Minha morada suprema não é iluminada pelo sol ou pela lua, nem pelo fogo ou pela eletricidade. Aqueles que a alcançam jamais retornam a este mundo material” (Bhagavad-gita, Cap. 15, verso 6).
“Tenta aprender a verdade aproximando-te de um mestre espiritual. Faze-lhe perguntas com submissão e presta-lhe serviço.
As almas auto-realizadas te podem transmitir conhecimento porque viram a verdade” (Bhagavad-gita, Cap. 4, verso 34).
O Mukunda Upanishad (1.2.12) declara que um estudante sincero tem que chegar a um guru ideal para receber conhecimento transcendental e esclarecimento.
Sri Krishna diz: “Essa Minha morada suprema não é iluminada pelo sol ou pela lua, nem pelo fogo ou pela eletricidade. Aqueles que a alcançam jamais retornam a este mundo material” (Bhagavad-gita, Cap. 15, verso 6).
Ratha Yatra e Festival da India em Curitiba
Desfile (RATHA YATRA) na rua Xv a partir da 10 hrs. A saída será da praça Zacarias e chegada no prédio histórico da UFPR com apresentações músicais e de dança Índiana.
Maiores informações no face book do festival ...
Festival da Índia (atenção nova data...
Jaya Jagannatha !
Maiores informações no face book do festival ...
Festival da Índia (atenção nova data...
Jaya Jagannatha !
Unidos por Cristo seu Mestre Espiritual
Festival Cristão Marcha para Jesus reúne milhares de pessoas nesta quinta
Segundo a organização, 5 milhões de pessoas estão no evento na zona norte de São Paulo.
O amor é a união faz a diferença !Vejam as fotos...
Viva Jesus Cristo Devoto Puro de Krishna !!
Segundo a organização, 5 milhões de pessoas estão no evento na zona norte de São Paulo.
O amor é a união faz a diferença !Vejam as fotos...
Viva Jesus Cristo Devoto Puro de Krishna !!
Goura Goura , Goura Hari!
Bhagavad-gita, Cap. 9, versos 30-31
Krishna diz
“Pense em mim e converte-te em Meu devoto Adora-me e oferece-Me tuas homenagens
Assim, virás a Mim impreterivelmente.
Eu te prometo isto porque és Meu amigo muito querido”
(Bhagavad-gita, Cap. 18, verso 65).
É preciso ter fé firme para enfrentar kali yuga,é preciso confiança espiritual, kali yuga vai deglutir todos os eruditos vazios , os sabios sem coração ...
Krishna diz
“Pense em mim e converte-te em Meu devoto Adora-me e oferece-Me tuas homenagens
Assim, virás a Mim impreterivelmente.
Eu te prometo isto porque és Meu amigo muito querido”
(Bhagavad-gita, Cap. 18, verso 65).
É preciso ter fé firme para enfrentar kali yuga,é preciso confiança espiritual, kali yuga vai deglutir todos os eruditos vazios , os sabios sem coração ...
Birmingham Hari Katha Festival
Vijay Krsna
Who is coming?
BV Vana Maharaja, BV Ashrama Maharaja, BV Giri Maharaja, BV Bhagavat Maharaja, The Kirtaniyas and devotees from all over.
Where is it?
This festival will be held at the Nam Dhari Gurudvar, a place we hosted Srila Gurudeva in the past. Devotees will be able to stay at the Gurudvar as well is Hotels around the area.
Birmingham Hari Katha Festival
jaya srila gurudeva !
This festival will be a festival of wonderful Hari Katha and ecstatic Kirtans that will be going on throughout the day. Delicious prasadam will be available 3 times a day.
Who is coming?
BV Vana Maharaja, BV Ashrama Maharaja, BV Giri Maharaja, BV Bhagavat Maharaja, The Kirtaniyas and devotees from all over.
Where is it?
This festival will be held at the Nam Dhari Gurudvar, a place we hosted Srila Gurudeva in the past. Devotees will be able to stay at the Gurudvar as well is Hotels around the area.
Birmingham Hari Katha Festival
jaya srila gurudeva !
Wonderful !
Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2011
Denuncia de Invasão da Fazenda Nova Gokula - ISKCON BRASIL
Denuncia de Invasão da Fazenda Nova Gokula , em Pindamonhangaba - Sao Paulo, em área de preservação ambiental (APA da MANTIQUEIRA) - Hare Krishna
sábado, 18 de junho de 2011
by Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja
Darsana After The Morning Walk
San Francisco, California: June 17, 2007
Srila Gurudeva: Is Father’s Day for daughters only, or also for males?
Devotees: For males also.
Srila Gurudeva: Then why are the males not giving me any gifts? I have more affection for my daughters. None of the men told me it was Father’s Day.
Sripad Damodara Maharaja: Srila Gurudeva, you said on the morning walk that even though the father has so much affection for his son, he may not show it directly. He may not take the son on his lap. We know you love your sons best; therefore you are not showing it.
Srila Gurudeva: I have more affection for my daughters.
Srila Gurudeva: My blessings for all of you today is that pure bhakti will come in your hearts – the greed for service in raganuga-bhakti will come. May you attain your highest goal.
What is your highest goal?
Caru-candrika dasi: Manjari-bhava.
Devotees: Radha-dasyam.
Srila Gurudeva: Radha-dasyam (the personal service of Srimati Radhika).
In the West, after the sons’ marriage, the fathers and sons separate from each other. The sons no longer render service to their fathers. In India, even when their mothers and fathers are very old, the children continue to serve. Nowadays, however, except in the villages, where old persons are still taken care of by their grown children, a ‘wind’ has come to India from Western countries. Old persons are suffering as a result, as they are not allowed to even live with their families. I want you all to follow varna-asrama-dharma, an example of which is serving one’s parents.
Gokula dasa: If we are in family life, we should take care of our mother and father?
Srila Gurudeva: Yes; and have good relations with your brothers. Lord Rama wanted to give His kingdom to Bharata, and Bharata wanted to give the kingdom to Rama. They were quarreling about this point. Nowadays it is the opposite; we quarrel for our own ownership. We should be like Rama and Bharata.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has told us to be like trees. A tree gives its leaves, fruits, branches, flowers, juice, fruits, shade, and wood to others. We should try to not live for ourselves, but for others.
Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja left everything in his old age and traveled the entire world to benefit others. I also travel only to bring the highest benefit to all – to follow our guru-parampara.
Mahaprabhu dasa: My thirteen year-old daughter, Tulasi dasi, is here to see you.
Srila Gurudeva: She came with you from Australia? To hear hari-katha?
Mahaprabhu dasa: Yes. She took initiation from you a few years ago, and now she wants second initiation.
Srila Gurudeva: (To Tulasi dasi) How many rounds do you chant daily?
Tulsi dasi: I am building up.
Srila Gurudeva: How many rounds are you chanting now?
Tulsi dasi: Two rounds a day.
Srila Gurudeva: Very good, very good. But no diksa now.
You will automatically increase your chanting when you will realize the glories of the holy name – that the holy name can save you from the pain of endless birth and death. Money and worldly things cannot make you happy; but these holy names will give you everything up to krsna-prema, and you will be able to serve Radha and Krsna forever. When you realize this, then you will chant more. When I come to Australia, you can receive the diksa-mantras.
Syamarani dasi: You said we should follow varnasrama-dharma. You said we should serve our mother and father and brothers.
Srila Gurudeva: Not only on Father’s Day, but every day.
Syamarani dasi: What if our mother, father, and brother are non-devotees?
Srila Gurudeva: Grhasthas (householders) should do so, and those who are renounced, who have given up the world, should serve their holy master.
Syamarani dasi: A householder should serve his non-devotee, material mother and father?
Srila Gurudeva: Yes, they should serve their mother, father, and brothers – whether or not their family members are devotees – otherwise they will have to go to hell. Everyone who is not a pure devotee has debts to others in this world. When my father used to come to Mathura, I would take his foot-dust on my head.
Sripad Madhava Maharaja: His father was a devotee.
Srila Gurudeva: Even though I am a sannyasi and he was a grhastha, I did so. He was my first guru. He taught me Mahabharata, Ramayana, and other scriptures.
Sripad Madhava Maharaja: They serve their parents in order to inspire them to become devotees. The parents receive good impressions by remembering how their devotee children always give respect to them, and bring them prasadam and the good news about what is best for their eternal welfare.
hari katha grupos
Jaya Srila Gurudeva Divine Darshan !
Queridos devotos y amigos, por este medio deseamos hacerles saber que para el pròximo mes de julio tendremos en Costa Rica la honrosa visita de Sripad Tirtha Maharaja, uno de los màs humildes, exhaltados y cercanos sirvientes de nuestro querido Srila Gurudeva. Con el servicio desinteresado y el apoyo econòmico de cada uno de ustedes esperamos poder cumplir cabalmente con esta oportunidad de servir y recibir bendiciones directamente de un Vaishnava tan especial. Quedamos a la espera de su urgente y pronta respuesta para anotar su colaboraciòn y participaciòn. Dandavats pranam !!! Dasanudas: Lalit Prasad Dasa- telf 88811211
Dear devotees and friends, we are so grateful to comunicate the honorable visit to Costa Rica of Sripad Tirtha Maharaja, one of the most humble, exhalted and close servants of dear Srila Gurudeva. With your service and financial support we hope to fulfill properly this unique chance of serving and receiving direct blessings from such a special Vaishnava. We expect your prompt answer to take note of your participation. Dandavats pranam!!! Dasanudas-Lalit Prasad Dasa -telf (506)88811211
Contato |
Sri Srimad Bhagavad - Gita
Bhagavat Gita in Dutch is offered to Gurudeva!
Por Yamuna Devi Dasi
After Six Years'' of hard working, Sashikala presented Bhagavat Gita finally to Gurudeva yesterday evening (17 June 2011) under Guidance of Sripad Vana Maharaja! More pictures and film will follow asap.
Srila Gurudeva Ki jai! BV Vana Maharaja Ki jai! Shasikala didi ki Jai!
Por Yamuna Devi Dasi
After Six Years'' of hard working, Sashikala presented Bhagavat Gita finally to Gurudeva yesterday evening (17 June 2011) under Guidance of Sripad Vana Maharaja! More pictures and film will follow asap.
Srila Gurudeva Ki jai! BV Vana Maharaja Ki jai! Shasikala didi ki Jai!
quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2011
terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2011
"...is more anxious to bestow..."
His Divine Grace Śrīla A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupāda
Letter to: Mandali Bhadra
Los Angeles
3 February, 1970
"Krishna's causeless Mercy is always there. If we take up that causeless Mercy a little seriously than further causeless Mercies are bestowed one after another unceasingly. Krishna is more anxious to bestow His benediction upon us than we are ready to take it. If we therefore sincerely engage our selves in Krishna Consciousness activities, certainly we will advance more and more by the causeless Mercy of the Lord. So by the Grace of the Lord you have got a very nice engagement. Try to execute this with all attention and then certainly you will feel transcendental bliss and your life will be successful without waiting for the next."
Jaya Srila Prabhupada ! Swamiji Sajjana Mharaja Ki Jaya!Rio Ganges Ki Jaya!
Uttara Kanda Sri Brhad Bhagavatamrta by Prem Prayojan
Sri Sri Guru Gaurangau jayatah!
The latest webcast of the Worldwide Virtual Nama Hatta of Krsna Katha TV will be:
"Gopa Kumara goes to Brahmaloka"
Part 11 of our series on the Uttara Kanda of Sri Brhad Bhagavatamrta by Srila Sanatana Gosvami.
Aspiring for the service of Sri Hari, Guru and Vaisnavas,
Prem Prayojan das
The latest webcast of the Worldwide Virtual Nama Hatta of Krsna Katha TV will be:
"Gopa Kumara goes to Brahmaloka"
Part 11 of our series on the Uttara Kanda of Sri Brhad Bhagavatamrta by Srila Sanatana Gosvami.
Aspiring for the service of Sri Hari, Guru and Vaisnavas,
Prem Prayojan das
Entering Nitya-lila
Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatah
Entering Nitya-lila
Respected Devotees,
Please accept our humble pranam.
It is with a desire to propagate the sublime glories of the concluding transcendental pastimes of our most worshipful Srila Gurudeva, nitya-lila pravista om visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, that we humbly present Entering Nitya-lila, a special on-line edition of the Rays of The Harmonist (No.24) in honour of the Badger puspa-samadhi ceremony, 2011.
This special edition of Rays of The Harmonist includes:
•an article entitled “The Real Significance of the Pastime of Illness Manifested by the Maha-bhagavata” written by the disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada, in order to help bound souls further comprehend the pure devotee’s real nature:
The illness enacted by the maha-bhagavata is not to be equated with suffering due to the threefold worldly miseries. While manifesting the perfect ideal of vipralambhamaya-bhajana, or bhajana suffused with a mood of separation, the maha-bhagavata deceives those who are extremely antagonistic to Bhagavan and who are offenders. At the same time, they confer the opportunity to serve upon those who are sevonmukha (inclined to render service). They demonstrate the living ideal of following the instruction to serve Sri Hari with intense endeavour and enthusiasm, even amidst worldly tribulations.
•a report on Srila Gurudeva’s concluding transcendental pastimes in this world, which is based on an article written by two devotees who closely attended him from September until his entrance into nitya-lila on December 29, 2010. This report was first published in the Hindi magazine Sri Sri Bhagavat Patrika:
During this period of ill health, Srila Gurudeva remained absorbed in deep transcendental moods. Sometimes he would utter indistinct words, and other times he would chant his ahnika or stava-stutis (devotional prayers) for hours on end. Only upon his servants’ repeated efforts to offer him food or medicine would he slowly return to external consciousness, sometimes fully and sometimes only partially. Thus Srila Gurudeva would constantly remain in an internal state (antara-dasa).
We sincerely pray that these articles enhance our conception of the maha-bhagavata Srila Gurudeva’s wondrous pastimes, and that they stimulate loving feelings of separation from him, thus nourishing our inner connection with him.
Aspiring to serve Sri Guru and the Vaisnavas
The Rays of The Harmonist team
Click here to Download this special issue
Entering Nitya-lila
Respected Devotees,
Please accept our humble pranam.
It is with a desire to propagate the sublime glories of the concluding transcendental pastimes of our most worshipful Srila Gurudeva, nitya-lila pravista om visnupada Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja, that we humbly present Entering Nitya-lila, a special on-line edition of the Rays of The Harmonist (No.24) in honour of the Badger puspa-samadhi ceremony, 2011.
This special edition of Rays of The Harmonist includes:
•an article entitled “The Real Significance of the Pastime of Illness Manifested by the Maha-bhagavata” written by the disciples of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada, in order to help bound souls further comprehend the pure devotee’s real nature:
The illness enacted by the maha-bhagavata is not to be equated with suffering due to the threefold worldly miseries. While manifesting the perfect ideal of vipralambhamaya-bhajana, or bhajana suffused with a mood of separation, the maha-bhagavata deceives those who are extremely antagonistic to Bhagavan and who are offenders. At the same time, they confer the opportunity to serve upon those who are sevonmukha (inclined to render service). They demonstrate the living ideal of following the instruction to serve Sri Hari with intense endeavour and enthusiasm, even amidst worldly tribulations.
•a report on Srila Gurudeva’s concluding transcendental pastimes in this world, which is based on an article written by two devotees who closely attended him from September until his entrance into nitya-lila on December 29, 2010. This report was first published in the Hindi magazine Sri Sri Bhagavat Patrika:
During this period of ill health, Srila Gurudeva remained absorbed in deep transcendental moods. Sometimes he would utter indistinct words, and other times he would chant his ahnika or stava-stutis (devotional prayers) for hours on end. Only upon his servants’ repeated efforts to offer him food or medicine would he slowly return to external consciousness, sometimes fully and sometimes only partially. Thus Srila Gurudeva would constantly remain in an internal state (antara-dasa).
We sincerely pray that these articles enhance our conception of the maha-bhagavata Srila Gurudeva’s wondrous pastimes, and that they stimulate loving feelings of separation from him, thus nourishing our inner connection with him.
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Por BhaktiBallabh Tirtha Goswami Maharaj
Our Correspondent
Kolkata: I am in Kolkata Math. Most Revered Guru Maharaj is exhibiting the pastimes of being old! He says, "I am now 90 years old" When I tried to correct it saying, no Guru Maharaj its not 90, but its just 87, He said, "No, I am 90!" What can I say then. O.K.
...WONDERFUL exchanges!
Sometimes He is in Bhava, goes deep into one thought, like --- "Sri Dayitadas Kirtanate Aas..." Then asks for the Bangla Dictionary, to see the meaning of 'Dayita'. Then looks for the same in another dictionary.
Then after reading the meaning, exclaims, "Aami Dayita Das, aamar kirtanetei aas!"
I am servant of Sri Krishna! My only hope is the Kirtan!
Afterwards, He remembers Sriman Mahaprabhu, specially His Lila at Gambhira in Puri.
Sometimes, Srila Gurudeva starts singing - 'Sree Krishna Chaitanya, Prabhu Nityananda Sree Advaita Gadadhara srivasadi Gaur Bhakta Vrinda!' Adding, "If we just chant this, we will get everything!"
Mostly, Guru Maharaj sits on His study chair and writes. At present He is writing about Krishna's visit to Kurukshetra, during surya-grahn, solar eclipse. After He writes, Sri Radhakanta das types it and gets a print-out for Gurudeva. On 15th instant Srila Gurudeva will speak on Sree Jagannath Deva's Snan-yatra.
Its all bliss under His Lotus Feet!
Rest is so so.
(Dr. Rajendra Mishra)
Our Correspondent
Kolkata: I am in Kolkata Math. Most Revered Guru Maharaj is exhibiting the pastimes of being old! He says, "I am now 90 years old" When I tried to correct it saying, no Guru Maharaj its not 90, but its just 87, He said, "No, I am 90!" What can I say then. O.K.
...WONDERFUL exchanges!
Sometimes He is in Bhava, goes deep into one thought, like --- "Sri Dayitadas Kirtanate Aas..." Then asks for the Bangla Dictionary, to see the meaning of 'Dayita'. Then looks for the same in another dictionary.
Then after reading the meaning, exclaims, "Aami Dayita Das, aamar kirtanetei aas!"
I am servant of Sri Krishna! My only hope is the Kirtan!
Afterwards, He remembers Sriman Mahaprabhu, specially His Lila at Gambhira in Puri.
Sometimes, Srila Gurudeva starts singing - 'Sree Krishna Chaitanya, Prabhu Nityananda Sree Advaita Gadadhara srivasadi Gaur Bhakta Vrinda!' Adding, "If we just chant this, we will get everything!"
Mostly, Guru Maharaj sits on His study chair and writes. At present He is writing about Krishna's visit to Kurukshetra, during surya-grahn, solar eclipse. After He writes, Sri Radhakanta das types it and gets a print-out for Gurudeva. On 15th instant Srila Gurudeva will speak on Sree Jagannath Deva's Snan-yatra.
Its all bliss under His Lotus Feet!
Rest is so so.
(Dr. Rajendra Mishra)
Comunidade Rural de Srila Gurudeva no Brasil
Gaia Vrndavana Dham , Viamão, RS, Brasil.
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Gaia Vrndavana
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Construção do novo Asram de Srila Guru em Sri Gaia Vrndavana Dh
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Gaia Vrndavana
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Construção do novo Asram de Srila Guru em Sri Gaia Vrndavana Dh
Sri Svaniyama-darsaka - 10 votos de Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
Sri Svaniyama-darsaka
(1) Faço o voto de amar meu mestre espiritual, o mantra Gayatri, o santo nome do Senhor, os pés do Senhor Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Srila Svarupa Damodara Gosvami, Srila Rupa Gosvami, seus associados, seu irmão mais velho (Srila Sanatana Gosvami), a Colina de Govardhana, Radha-kunda, a cidade de Mathura, a floresta de Vrndavana, a terra de Vraja, os devotos do Senhor Krsna e os residentes de Vraja.
(2) Faço voto de viver na terra de Vraja nascimento após nascimento, conversando casualmente com o povo do vilarejo. Não viverei nem sequer por um momento em nenhum outro local, mesmo que o Senhor resida lá em Sua forma de Deidade ou ainda que grandes devotos preencham outro lugar com o doce néctar do amor transcendental.
(3) Embora eu sofra em separação do casal divino, eu não deixarei nem por um momento a terra de Vraja, onde Sri Sri Radha-Krsna desfrutam eternamente de passatempos transcendentais sem paralelo. Não irei, nem que o próprio Krsna me convidar, ver o opulento rei dos Yadus em Dvaraka.
(4) Se com meus próprios ouvidos escutar: “Radha foi para Dvaraka, onde o Senhor Hari A abraça contra Seu peito apaixonadamente”, com o coração em agitado deixaria Vrajapura e voaria para lá mais rapidamente do que Garuda.
(5) Com começo ou sem começo, cruel ou muito gentil, misericordioso a cada momento ou sem misericórdia, maior do que o rei de Maha-Vaikuntha ou um ser humano comum, o filho do rei de Vraja é o meu Senhor nascimento após nascimento.
(6) Nem por um momento me aproximarei de um hipócrita que adore somente o Senhor Govinda e não adore a exaltada Srimati Radharani, que é glorificada pelos Vedas e por grandes sábios encabeçados por Narada, e que é mais querida do Senhor Krsna. Este é meu voto.
(7) Lavarei os pés de lótus de qualquer pessoa neste mundo que, recurvando-se com amor, adore o Senhor Krsna e a pessoa nectárea que recebe o nome de Radha. Bebo esta água todos os dias e carrego tal água sobre minha cabeça.
(8) Abandonado por meus amigos queridos, sem inteligência, cego e mergulhando num oceano de dor, mordo um graveto entre os dentes e imploro: “Ó Srimati Radharani, por favor, conduza-me aos Seus pés de lótus”.
(9) Minha comida é um pouco de leite de Vraja, minha casa é uma cabana de folhas e minhas ações são austeridade honesta e estudo das escrituras, dessa forma viverei no Radha-kunda próximo à melhor das montanhas e morrerei neste estimado lago na companhia de Srila Jiva Gosvami e outros devotos.
(10) Num local solitário na floresta de Vrndavana, seguindo os passos do meu amigo Srila Rupa Gosvami, de muitas formas adorarei com determinação Sri Krsna, Ele que é mais esplêndido que muitos cupidos, e Srimati Radharani, cuja beleza gloriosa derrota a de muitas deusas da fortuna.
(11) O devoto que, possuindo fé, ler estes dez votos de um certo autor e que fixar sua mente nas formas transcendentais do querido casal divino, no momento apropriado irá atingir a morada de Vraja e adorará diretamente Sri Sri Radha-Krsna.
[Tradução para o Português do texto Sri Svaniyama-darsaka de Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami publicado no livreto Kirtaniyah sada Harih versão 3.5]
Ratha-Yatra Festival
Jaya Jagannatha !
vande 'ham sri guru varam sri rupanuga pravaram
vraja-rasa-rasikam ca narayanam tam prapanam
Ratha-Yatra Festival [Delhi, India: October 3, 2008]

Jaya Srila Gurudeva !
vande 'ham sri guru varam sri rupanuga pravaram
vraja-rasa-rasikam ca narayanam tam prapanam
Ratha-Yatra Festival [Delhi, India: October 3, 2008]

Jaya Srila Gurudeva !
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