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domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2012


"the first thing required is Śraddhā, ādau-śraddhā.

Śraddhā means unflinching faith, strong faith.

‘śraddhā’-śabde-viśvasa kahe sudṛḍha niścaya
kṛṣṇe bhakti kaile sarva-karma kṛta haya
(Caitanya-caritāmṛta M. 22.62)

Śraddhā means dṛḍha-śraddhā, strong unflinching faith in the words of Sādhu, Śastra, Guru:

“If you develop kṛṣṇa-bhakti, all your duties and obligations are finished. There is nothing left out.”

To put faith in this statement is Śraddhā. If you do not have this faith then the base is absent. Faith is the foundation. If there is no foundation, the building will collapse. You have laid a foundation but that foundation is not strong, soft faith, weak faith, it is not strong unflinching faith. So this collapsing is going on. The first requisite is Śraddhā and that should be very strong, unflinching faith. This is the first requisite for a Sādhaka, one who does Sādhana-bhakti."

Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja

"a primeira coisa necessária é sraddha, adau-śraddhā.

Śraddhā significa inabalável fé, a fé forte.

'śraddhā'-sabde-viśvasa Kahe sudṛḍha niścaya
kṛṣṇe bhakti Kaile sarva-karma haya kṛta
(Caitanya-caritamrta M. 22,62)

Śraddhā significa dṛḍha-śraddhā, a fé inabalável forte nas palavras de Sadhu, Sastra, Guru:

"Se você desenvolver krsna-bhakti, todos os seus deveres e obrigações estão acabados. Não há nada de fora. "

Para colocar fé nesta declaração é sraddha. Se você não tem essa fé, então a base está ausente. A fé é o fundamento. Se não há fundamento, o edifício desmoronará. Você colocou uma fundação, mas que a fundação não é forte, a fé suave, uma fé fraca, não é fé inabalável forte. Portanto, esta desmoronando está acontecendo. O primeiro requisito é sraddha e que deve ser muito forte, inabalável fé. Este é o primeiro requisito para um sadhaka, aquele que faz sadhana-bhakti. "

Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja

The caitya-guru

Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja: My opinion is that guru is always present but we are not seeing him. His mercy, and he himself, is always present with us; he is always giving mercy. We need to pray more to our Gurudeva.

At the time of your Gurudeva, you served him and wanted his guidance. At this time also, you should not think that he is not present and therefore we must go to our caitya-guru. Caitya-guru and diksa-guru are always present. Why should we not go to our diksa-guru? There is no lack in him. Since he is always present, we should pray to him, “Please reveal yourself in my heart.”

Even without praying, the caitya-guru will do what He has to do. He is Krsna. He is always wanting that, “All my dears should come to Me.” He is hankering to give mercy. I think it is better to pray to our Gurudeva to reveal himself in our heart and give proper guidance on how we can serve him more and more. This is proper.

The siksa-guru who like the diksa-guru is a mahanta-guru (the topmost, liberated devotee), and he can also give guidance. If one has a siksa-guru, he should go to that siksa-guru from time to time and take advice regarding how to serve Sri Sri Radha and Krsna. If we are very honest with our guru, he will most certainly come in our hearts and make us see.

jive saksat nahi tate guru caittya-rupe
siksa-guru haya krsna-mahanta-svarupe

Since one cannot visually experience the presence of the Supersoul, He appears before us as a liberated devotee. Such a spiritual master is none other than Krsna Himself.

                                                                 Jaya Srila Gurudeva !

Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja: Minha opinião é que o guru é sempre presente, mas não estamos vendo. Sua misericórdia, e ele mesmo, está sempre presente conosco, ele está sempre dando misericórdia. Precisamos orar mais para nosso Gurudeva.

Na época de seu Gurudeva, você serviu e queria sua orientação. Neste momento também, você não deve pensar que ele não está presente e, portanto, temos de ir para a nossa caitya-guru. Caitya-guru e diksa-guru estão sempre presentes. Por que não vamos para nosso diksa-guru? Não há nenhuma falta nele. Uma vez que ele está sempre presente, devemos orar a ele, "Por favor, revelam-se no meu coração."

Mesmo sem a oração, o caitya-guru fará o que tem que fazer. Ele é Krishna. Ele está sempre querendo que: "Todos os meus queridos deve vir a mim." Ele está com vontade de dar misericórdia. Eu acho que é melhor rezar para o nosso Gurudeva para se revelar no nosso coração e dar a devida orientação sobre como podemos servi-lo mais e mais. Isto é apropriado.

O siksa-guru que como o diksa-guru é um mahanta-guru (o devoto, superior liberada), e ele pode também dar orientação. Se alguém tem um siksa-guru, ele deve ir para o siksa-guru de vez em quando e tomar conselhos sobre como servir Sri Sri Radha e Krishna. Se são muito honestos com nosso guru, ele certamente virá em nossos corações e nos fazer ver.

jive saksat nahi tate guru caittya-rupe
siksa-guru haya krsna-mahanta-svarupe
Como não se pode experimentar visualmente a presença da Superalma, Ele aparece diante de nós como um devoto liberado. Tal mestre espiritual não é outro senão o próprio Krsna.

sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2012

29 DEC National Shame Day in Ìndia

Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna  Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare


R.I.P Damini....The Delhi Rape Victim. Please India pray for her departed soul and fight for Justice....
India Lets stand for our mothers, daughters and sisters

Praying for her ..

                                                 Rest in Peace Damini 

Rest in peace Damini

My mission

                                                      My mission is to give love and affection …

[An excerpt from Śrīla Nārāyana Gosvāmī Mahārāja’s discourse of March 2, 2000, given in Cessnock, N.S.W. Australia:]

From the book entitled “The Soul of Book Distribution”

Someone asked me, “What is your mission? What have you come here to give?” I replied, “My mission is the same mission as that of Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu, Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī, and our guru-paramparā. Our mission is to give love and affection to all living beings without any consideration of caste and creed. Our main mission is to give love and affection to the highest standard.”

You will be happy to know that if one has love and affection for Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, that person will have love and affection for all living beings. He will not kill any animal, nor will he take fish, meat, or eggs, nor will he even crush the grass. He will try to please Krishna, and thus he will be kind and affectionate to all living entities. He will have the most high class of mercy. When I go for walks, I sometimes see calves and cows grazing in the fields, who tremble in fear and run away whenever they see people. They sense that, “These persons have no mercy for me. They are keeping me in jail, and after some days they will take me to the slaughter house and kill me.” They know.

What right do you have to chop and kill them? If you are not merciful, how can you expect Krishna to bestow His mercy upon you? A renowned pope is killing calves, who are like very small children, in order to take their meat. These calves will cry at the time of their death, and where will this crying go? Where will it be heard? Does Krishna have no ears to hear? The popes consider, “We are greatly religious persons; servants of God.” And what do the calves realize? They are experiencing that there is no love and affection for them. They are also sons and daughters of Krishna; eternal servants of Krishna. We realize this, and we tell them, “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna. Please hear this mantra at least once.” Persons with real compassion are called guru. They have no self-interest, nor are they at all duplicitous. Because they are all pure devotees, they are full of mercy. So, my mission is to give love and affection for Krishna, which will automatically come to all living beings, and I appeal to you all to become like me.

My mission is not to make numerous disciples. Śrīla Rūpa Gosvāmī, Śrīla Jīva Gosvāmī, Śrīla Gopāla Bhaṭṭa Gosvāmī, and other bona fide ācāryas in our disciplic su Krishna ession never collected disciples. Still, they are jagat guru . They are actually guru ‒ guru of the entire world. My mission is to give the prema that is experienced by the gopīs. Regarding those opposed to this attainment, I pray that Krishna will be merciful to them. Although such persons are offensive to the lotus feet of Guru-Gaurāṅga, śāstra , and Krishna, I pray to Krishna to sprinkle His mercy even to them, because they are ignorant. Śrīla Haridāsa Ṭhākura, prayed, “O Krishna, although these servants of the Muslim government are beating me in twenty-two markets, please give Your mercy to them. They are all ignorant.” If it were not for Śrīla Haridāsa Ṭhākura’s prayers, Krishna would have at once sent His cakra to destroy them. Because devotees are magnanimous, Ambarīṣa Mahārāja also prayed for Durvāsa Ṛṣi, although Durvāsa Ṛṣi had tried to kill him.

Try to develop prema for Krishna, and be merciful to all. Convey this message to everyone by distributing books and by nagara-saṅkīrtana ‒ for the benefit of all calves, cows, and ignorant persons. Whether the ignorant appreciate it or not, and even if they hate hearing it, the holy name of Krishna will purify them. Śrī Caitanya Mahāprabhu has personally requested you all to participate in nagara-saṅkīrtana, not seeing whether people are laughing at you, insulting you, or neglecting you. Follow the example of Śrīla Haridāsa Ṭhākura, and follow Śrīla Bhaktivinoda Ṭhākura, who established nāma-haṭṭa.

If you follow all these instructions, you will really be disciples. Then I will be pleased, and Krishna will be pleased.

sexta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2012

Moving Outside Time

Vedic verses and saintly statements, put to rhyme in time.
Performed by the Houston Matha Bhakti Yoga Crew.
Best with Headphones!
with quote from Srila Gurudeva, Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja
Thanks to the BBC and BBT for all the footage and pictures!
Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

all the friends and family cannot stay
all the precious moments fade away
all taste and sensations become memories
all we see around us cannot stay

All in this world is passing by
like sticks in the river of time
this moment that's so dear to me
a moment later is not mine

all the friends and family cannot stay
all the precious moments fade away
all taste and sensations become memories
all we see around us cannot stay

Beyond this world of birth and death
there exists another plane
and when all this place is destroyed
that place remains the same

all the world within us cannot fade
our self deep inside us cannot fade
in our heart of hearts we want to stay
with the Lord of our hearts we want to play

We are thinking in this way
and we exist eternally
and now we aim ourselves towards
that plane of neverending beauty

all the world within us cannot fade
our self deep inside us cannot fade
in our heart of hearts we want to stay
with the Lord of our hearts we want to play

We are to make our real home there
in that place beyond the sky
and that place is in our hearts as well
we don't have to fly so high

all the world within us cannot fade
our self deep inside us cannot fade
in our heart of hearts we want to stay
with the Lord of our hearts we want to play

Our all kinds of activites we should always try to please Krishna.
So we should try to begin from Gurudeva and Vaisnavas, and then to reach Krishna.
(quote from Srila Gurudeva, Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Maharaja)

all the friends and family cannot stay
all the precious moments fade away
all taste and sensations become memories
all we see around us cannot stay

all the world within us cannot fade
our self deep inside us cannot fade
in our heart of hearts we want to stay
with the Lord of our hearts we want to play

quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2012

The Supreme Treasure

Radhe Radhe Radhe !

SG-Supreme Treasure Vol2 (1)

We Are One Family

Tridandisvami Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Gosvami Maharaja
Los Angeles, May 30, 2000
[Dear Respected Harikatha Readers,
Please accept our humble obeisances. Srila Narayana Gosvami Maharaja’s words, being one with the words of Krsna and sastra, are ever-fresh. Therefore, whereas in the following lecture he teaches the ISKCON devotees the real meaning of ISKCON, so in application to his own sanga, he is at the same time teaching its real meaning of the International Pure Bhakti Yoga Society:]

                                                     We Are One Family


"What determines if we will do bhajana or not do bhajana? Whose desire determines this? Bhagavan's? No, it is ours only. If we simply take up bhajana, then guru and the Vaisnavas will be merciful and give us the necessary strength to achieve the direct mercy of Bhagavan. But first of all the desire must come from within us." -Srila Gurudeva from Chapter Nine of 'Sri Prabandhavali'

Gaudiya Vedanta Publications

Jay Srila Gurudeva , Hare Krsna !Sankirtan Ki Jay!

                                     Gaudiya Vedanta Publications

Sriman Durlabha prabhu

Haribol Vaisnavas! Jaya Sri Guru & Gauranga!

It is with much sadness that I report information that our dear godbrother in Mexico, Sriman Durlabha prabhu has left this world!

He has served Srila Prabhupada and his mission, also done so much service for the publication and distribution of Vaisnava literatures.

 His siksa Guru's, Srila BV Narayana Maharaja and Srila BV Puri Maharaja's missions were also served with much love and devotion by Durlabha prabhu.

 We pray that these great Acaryas of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu's mission will guide him lovingly on his path to Pure Bhakti...

 insuring that he has Suddha Vaisnava Sanga in his future birth!

We send our deepest condolences to his dear wife and family!

Thank you Durlabha prabhu for opening your home and heart to so many traveling preachers to spread the mercy of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in Mexico and beyond!

Jaya Sri Radhe!

quarta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2012

Consciencia de Krishna

Mukundananda Dasa.

Consciencia de Krishna significa entender que nós somos servos amorosos de Krishna, e que só seremos felizes de verdade se realizarmos que nossa natural tendencia de servir que agora esta ocupada em servir ao nosso ego, nossa família, nossa comunidade, nossa raça e nosso planeta não encontraremos saciedade nestas atividades, só encontraremos a reciprocidade integral de nossa dedicação amorosa amando a Krishna.

Virtudes especiais

Mukundananda Dasa

A humildade e sua filha a modéstia não são virtudes comuns, elas são a atitude de indivíduos vitoriosos que sabem que nada podem e que se curvam perante o criador que tudo fez e tudo fara para todo sempre, 


Meu siksha guru e priya Bandhu

2ª Edição "Meu siksha guru e priya Bandhu":
Para outras Cidades, doação simbólica R$ 5,00 (frete incluso)
Interessados devem enviar email ou ligar para 
Baladeva Das Bramacary (nabadvip@gmail.com) fo
ne:31 32259035

Este livro é uma coletânea de lembranças e reflexões sobre Sua divina graça Srila A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada feita por um dos seus primeiros associados - Srila Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja. No título, siksa guru significa ‘mestre espiritual instrutor’ e priya bandhu significa ‘querido amigo’. Estas descrições relatam lembranças da sua associação com Srila Prabhupada durante quase meio século, desde que eles se encontraram pela primeira vez em 1947.

Srila Prabhupada é um devoto nitya siddha. Então se deve notar que as descrições feitas por Srila Narayan Goswami Maharaj sobre Srila Prabhupada em sua nara-lila (passatempos de aspecto humano comum) não tem nenhuma conexão com este mundo material. Elas servem simplesmente para instruir outras pessoas em como avançar na consciência de Krishna.

Nossa sincera esperança é que a audiência mundial de devotos seja iluminada por escutar estas inspiradas memórias sobre nosso Maha Bhagavata Guru, vinda dos seus amigos íntimos. Ainda que esta humilde oferenda não seja da melhor qualidade, oramos pelo perdão dos misericordiosos Vaisnavas. Oramos para que nosso mais amado Srila Prabhupada fique satisfeito com este esforço em descobrir e glorificar sua transcendental personalidade, passatempos e missão de sankirtana mais profundamente.

Srila Prabhupada teve vários nomes durante sua vida. Seus parentes deram-lhe o nome de nascimento de Abhaya Charan De. Quando recebeu iniciação de Srila Bhaktissidhanta Saraswati Thakur, ele se tornou Abhaya Charanaravinda Prabhu. Depois em 1939 em uma assembléia dos seus irmãos espirituais foi honrado com o titulo Sri Bhaktivedanta. Durante seus anos como grhasta, muitos dos seus afetuosos amigos o chamavam de Abhaya Prabhu. Em 1959 durante sua cerimônia de sannyassa Srila Bhakti Praghyana Kesava Goswami Maharaja deu a ele o formal nome “Swami”. Então ele ficou conhecido como Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami. Maharaja esta incluso no honroso título.

Swami com `Ji` (Swamiji) é na verdade uma designação de especial respeito e intimidade. Depois, seus discípulos e seguidores os chamaram de “Srila Prabhupada” (representante dos pés de lótus de Krsna). Porque os devotos na Gaudiya Matha, por mais de um século estavam acostumados a chamar Srila Bhaktissidanta Sarasvati Thakur de “Srila Prabhupada”, para evitar confusão, Srila Narayana Maharaja geralmente se referia a ele após seu sannyassa, como Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Maharaja ou Swamiji.

dina baldev

Living comfortably

"The mouse, they make a hole in the field for his living comfortably. 

You have seen the holes in the field? And the big snake, they take advantage of these holes.

 They enter into it and eat the mouse, and live comfortably. 

So the mouse makes the comfortable place for the snake.

 The snake's business is to enter and live comfortably."

Srila Prabhupada Letter Geneva, May 31, 1974

Bow down Mister!

Bow down Mister! 

I wasn't satisfied being a humble servant of the Vaishnava community. Instead, I became a person of distinction and defined myself externally, by dress and social status, as a person who has achieved a higher state of consciousness than others around me. 

Rather than let relationships develop naturally from respect to affection to love, I superimposed a cultural paradigm upon my dealings with others and expected them to reciprocate by unquestionably showing me the respect due God Himself. If someone didn't participate, by receiving my mercy, I labeled them as proud, envious and unsuitable for carrying the siddhanta.

Gradually, I forgot my original innocent and genuine attraction to Krishna and his beautiful devotees. Now I live my life through a projection of what I actually want to be and how I want to be seen. Instead of being governed by love, I chose to be governed by fear. You see, I've gone so far down this path of deception that I can't bear the pain that an honest self-appraisal would reveal. I'm trapped in a situation where my heart is far from the actual life I live.

Can you help me?

Guru Shonky-pad

Do not try to hide anything from the Vaisnavas

If we do not express our inner feelings and inner lusty desires to our guru and Vaisnavas, if we try to hide these things, they will become more and more powerful and one day they will engulf us.

Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja

So do not try to hide anything from the Vaiṣṇavas. I know that some of you are hiding things. Some among you are hearing hari-katha and also writing prema-katha, love letters, to others in your group.

I know, because if I did not know, how can I be a Vaisnava?

So you should believe me when I tell you that I know everything you have in your hearts. Do not try to hide anything.

Guru knows everything if he is bona fide, so do not try to conceal and hide all these things. You should have faith in me and I will try to give medicines for these diseases and certainly you will recover!

Sri Srimad Bhaktivedanta Narayana Goswami Maharaja, Lecture about Sri Upadesamrita Sloka 1, given in Mathura on November 3, 1996

My Siksha Guru and Priya Bandhu

Hare Krsna !

Remembrances and reflections about His His Divine Grace Śrīla A. C. Bhaktivedānta Svāmī Prabhupāda from one of his earliest associates, Śrīla Bhaktivedānta Nārāyaṇa Gosvāmī Mahārāja.                                          

                                          My Siksha Guru and Priya Bandhu


trnad api sunicena

"I will tell them to take the whole responsibility for my karma, not to accuse any other... trnad api sunicena... must be excited with gentle humility we shall try to go on the way... trnad api sahisnuna taror api sahisnuna... according to standard of a standard man, that is Vaiṣṇava and so many mad men that is found in the lower.

The standard of humility, that must come from normal thinking man, that is Vaiṣṇava... trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna... and when past actions, they will come to clear, to get back all that to me in the previous life and I must not refuse them. Oh, I was in loan to you, take it, take it, as much as was exacted from me, you are in loan, all these things y
ou are to clear take, take like a tree when he is cutting me still I shall lose no temper, I shall try to keep up my optimistic nature.

The Lord is there and He is everything. Whatever is going here, that is all transient useless thing so I should not lose my temper... taror api sahisnuna amanina amanadena, I won't desire any name any glorification of anything else. At the same time I shall be ready to give due respect to the whole environment. With this attitude if we go on with the devotional activities then in the shortest time I will be able to get the grace of the Lord, no complaints.

All complaints we are to meet my previous due alone and silently. And maintain the ballance of my mind. And I shall try my best and approach towards highest entity. That attitude helps us best and approach towards highest entity. That attitude helps us best for easy and for quick attainment."

~ Srila Sridhar Maharaj

domingo, 23 de dezembro de 2012

BHAGAVAD-GĪTĀ AS IT IS: The King of Education

Santo Daime e Sri Gaudiya Math Brasil Oficial Ordem

Dear Candra Kala dd............... prabhu,

please accept my dandavats pranams and receive heartly blessings from Srila Gurudeva. All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga and all glories to Sri Sri Radha Vinode Bihariji.

Thank you for your kind messages. Srila Gurudeva says that preaching the message of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to all is our responsibility.

 Who is taking initiation they should follow proper behavior that is standard for human civilization.

They must abstain from eating meat, eggs, fish, onions, garlic, tobacco, alcohol, drugs - including santa daimo - illicit sex, gambling and mental speculations.

Those who are not ready to follow these disciplines they can chant Harinama, study our books and take association from advanced devotees.

Gradually they will become stronger and when they are ready to follow the above disciplines, then they can receive initiation.

Thank you for your kind attention and my best wishes for your preaching services.

aspiring for the service of Sri Guru and Vaisnavas

Brajanath das

tradução google :

 Caro ............... prabhu,

por favor, aceite minhas pranams dandavats e receber bênçãos afetuosas de Srila Gurudeva. Todas as glórias a Sri Sri Guru e Gauranga e todas as glórias a Sri Sri Radha Vinode Bihariji.

Obrigado por suas mensagens amáveis. Srila Gurudeva diz que pregar a mensagem de Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu para todos é a nossa responsabilidade.

 Quem está tomando iniciação devem seguir o comportamento apropriado que é padrão para a civilização humana.

 Eles devem se abster de comer carne, ovos, peixe, cebola, alho, fumo, álcool, drogas - incluindo Santa Daime - sexo ilícito, jogos de azar e especulações mentais.

Aqueles que não estão prontos para seguir essas disciplinas pode cantar Harinama, estudar os nossos livros e tomar associação de devotos avançados. Aos poucos, eles vão se tornar mais forte e quando eles estão prontos para seguir as disciplinas acima, então eles podem receber a iniciação. 

Obrigado pela vossa atenção e os meus melhores votos para os seus serviços de pregação.

aspirando para o serviço de Sri Guru e Vaisnavas

Brajanath das

                                           Jay Srila Gurudeva !Pranamas e Dandavats !

Dhrtarastra inquires from Sanjaya

 Hare Krsna !

Artist: Jadurani devi dasi

                                                           Srimati Syamarani  Dasi  

Srimad Bhagavad - Gita Class by Srimati Syamarani didi

Sacinandana Dasa 

Jaya The Bhagavad Gita!!!

Jaya Srila Prabhupada!Srila Gurudeva Ki Jay ! Srimati Syamarani didi Ki Jay!

                            Gita Jayanti 2012 Ki Jay!!!!! Krishna Katha Ki Jay!Dandavats Pranamas !


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Jornal Hare Krsna Brasil é licenciado Licença Creative Commons
Ao copiar qualquer artigo por gentileza mencionar o link o credito do autor .