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sexta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2010

Dasa mula tattva

Sripad Padmanaba maharaja deliver very prolific series of classes in Sri Vrndavan dhama on first two slokas Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura's Dasa mula tattva from Jaiva dharma.
He spoke so eloquently about mayavada philosophy that for preachers traveling around the world this is absolute must to hear!All of them you can see and hear from video recording directly from Sri Rupa Sanatana gaudiya matha in Sri Vrndavana dhama on 

 If you speak so powerfully all mayavadis ran for their life and you establish sanata dharma all trough the world and no one can stood as opposition to your lion like FEARLESS preaching!!! 
All glories to Sri Guru and Sri Gauranga.


I have send you first two links,please follow the order!

Your servant

Markandeyarishi das

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