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quinta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2010

Report from Jagannath Puri Dham


by Swami BV Damodara
Dandavat Pranams,

All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga,

I am here in Jagannath Puri. The weather here was very nice for the past week, but the last three days it has been overcast and rainy, which is a shame, because Srila Gurudeva was sun bathing every day on his balcony. Yesterday we brought buckets of water from the ocean, and he took a bath with that.

The mood here is quite upbeat. Gurudeva is eating and drinking regularly and there seems to be more stability in his physical condition than there has been over the last few weeks. Twice a day he goes for a small walk along the corridors, and sits for a while looking at the ocean. Yesterday he commented that this place at Chakra Tirtha is where Mahaprabhu was pulled out of the ocean by the fisherman.
I will keep in touch.

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