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terça-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2010

Shyamarani Dasi with the Audarya Award - Vrindavana Today

Srimati Shyamarani Dasi for
her paintings, called “Windows to the Spiritual World”


Shyamarani Dasi with the Audarya Award

Syamarani also needs little introduction to the international Vaishnava world, for her work is ubiquitous in the literature of ISKCON and the Gaudiya Vedanta Samiti. She has had incredible influence on the devotional art of Vrindavan itself, though she is perhaps not so well recognized in India. She has been a source of inspiration to devotees for four decades and will no doubt continue to be so for years to come. She has set the standard for Krishna conscious art and future generations of artists will aspire to match her in both vision and feeling.


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